Chapter 7: Exposed

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(All in Jimin and Hanni pov)

Jimin's pov

When someone opened the door my eyes widen I saw her... I saw her again, I saw Hanni.

She smirked and said "Looks like we see eachother again Jimin" then I replied " Looks like we did Hanni-ssi" then continued "I guess we are roommates" , "Yeah" then she continued in a sassy tone "Are you gonna stand their like a idiot or what" I scoffed and said "Only if you get out of my way I might enter" when I said that she rolled her eyes, moved and welcomed me inside.

I walked in and observed the room. The room is quite dark and cold.. I looked at Hanni and said "Hey, Is there a heater in here its quite cold.." she looked up at me and said "No we don't. We don't need heaters" I sighed and saw my luggage was here so I started unpacking. As I was unpacking Hanni told me important stuff about our timetable and things like that "Make sure that you wake up early because class start at 6:30" I turned around and shouted "WHAT???" Hanni looked at me and raised her eyebrow at me and said "There was no need for the yelling" I rolled my eyes at her turned around and continued unpacking.

As I kept packing suddenly my finger got stuck on something and caused my finger to bleed.

"Ahhh shit

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"Ahhh shit.." I mumbled under my breath.

Author's Pov

"Ahhh shit.." Jimin mumbled as she hissed at the pain. When Jimin hissed Hanni looked up and walked up to Jimin to see what was the matter.

"Jimin-ah what's the matter with- Omg.." Hanni didn't even finished her sentence then she continued as she grabbed Jimin's hand and examined her index finger "How the fuck were you able to do this to your finger" Jimin just shrugged pulled her hand away and was about to continue packing up.

Out of nowhere Hanni grabbed her hand and used her ability of healing to heal Jimin's finger. As Hanni was healing Jimin's finger Jimin's eyes widened and said in shock "Holy fuck, Are you some kind of witch or something?" Hanni eyes widened and felt her heart fall to her stomach.

Hanni's pov


As I kept having thoughts, I finished healing Jimin's finger I let go of her hand and walked off to go to my bed. When I walked off I felt Jimin looking at me confused.

I didn't want to answer Jimin's question because I'm not suppose to tell her that were vampires. Suddenly out of nowhere she grabbed shoulder and said "Yah, you ignored my question." I sighed and turned and said "What was your question about anyways?"

"Hanni.. Don't act dumb I know you heard it." Jimin said sternly. "I-I.." she raised her eyebrow at me and I sighed "I'm not a witch" then she asked "Then what are you then?"

I looked at her in the eye and said

"I'm a vampire..."


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