Chapter 2: New Challenge pt.2

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Jimins' pov

After few hours talking to Mr.Rin about the school and other stuff it was time for us to go home.

"Thank you Mr.Rin" I mumbled as I bearly say thank you to anyone, "Oh my god did Hwang Jimin just said thank you" Yuju joked "I guess she did" Jihyo continued, "SHUT UP YOU" I yelled at them. I was about to hit them with my book until I heard Mr.Rin laughing "Your welcome Jimin, I hope you enjoy your new school and take care of  yourself and the others" Mr.Rin noted, I gave him a soft smile and then walked off. "Bye Mr.Rin" , "Bye girls" Mr.Rin mumbled. As Minhoon closed the door behide her we ran out of the school because we needed to pack our things. "UNNI-DUL WAIT FOR MEEE" Minhoon yelled as she was running trying to catch up with us while we were laughing at her and then as I kept running I bumped into someone.

"O-OH MY GOD, I'm s-so sorry!" I stuttered while I was getting up offering my hand to help her up, "Be aware of your surroundings next time" she scolded as her grabbed my hand

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"O-OH MY GOD, I'm s-so sorry!" I stuttered while I was getting up offering my hand to help her up, "Be aware of your surroundings next time" she scolded as her grabbed my hand. I looked up at my friend and I gave them the look saying to go on without me and I'll catch up later they nodded and started walking without me, "Are you gonna let go of my hand or what?" She questioned "Oh yeah, sorry.." I whispered as I let go of her hand.

When I looked up at her I was mesmerised by her beauty she has small round head and cute eyes, "Are you new around here?" I asked her "No, I'm just visiting" She replied, I was about to walk off until she grabbed my hand and asked "What's your name?", "Why you asking?" I told her as I got suspicious "Because you seem cool and interesting" she said as she emphasised the word interesting I sighed and mumbled "My name is Jimin, Hwang Jimin..","What's your name?" I asked curiosity then she answered "Hanni, Pham Hanni" when she told me her name she let go of my hand, "Well I got to go bye Hanni" "Bye Jimin".

As we parted our ways I turned back and she disappeared I smiled and started walking to my friends as I kept walking I got a call from Sam and obviously I answered, "Hello?" "Sorry Jimin unni you have to walk home on your own because we couldn't wait for you because it got cold" Sam apologized, "No its okay, I knew that you guys would walk without me anyways" I reassured her "Ok, but be careful when you walk home unni" Sam explained "Got it", "Bye unni" "Bye Sam".

As I ended the call I made it to my apartment. When I walked in inside I felt someone was watching me so I turned around to see that no one was behind me I sighed and turned back around and started walking to the stairs to go up to my apartment.

Authors' pov

After a few steps later, Jimin made it to her room which is Room.37 as she was about to put her key into the key hole she felt that someone was watching her again but this time she ignored it and opened the door and locked the door behide her.

Jimins' pov

As I locked the door behide me I dropped all of my things ran up to my room and flopped into my bed "Ughhh, I had a long day" I said tiredly as I was laying on my bed for a good 30 minutes I remembered "Shit, I gotta pack" I shouted, as I got off of my bed I went to get my suitcase and started packing the stuff I need, While I was packing I heard someone knocking on the door I stopped packing and walked up to the door and looked through the peep hole to see who it was and I was there was a package at my door. I quickly opened the door, picked up the package, looked around to see if anyone was there and then closed the door.

When I closed the door and locked it I walked to the couch and as I was examined the package I saw a letter stuck to it, I yanked out the letter and I saw 'For Hwang Jimin' I opened it and I read out "Dear Hwang Jimin I welcome you to our school this is the uniform that you need to wear" I looked at the letter for a minute and then put it at the side and opened the package and saw the uniform. "Oh my god, I'm gonna wear a skirt please help" I mumbled

After the looking at the uniform I walked back to my room with the uniform I put the uniform in my suitcase and started packing again

Authors' pov

As Jimin kept packing a little someone was watching her. "I can't belive I'm doing this right now, but there's something about you" Hanni giggled then continued "but, its time for me to go" After Hanni said that she disappeared again.

Jimins' pov

"Finally! I'm done packing" I cheered as I'm stretching I jumped to my bed then went under the covers and went on my phone to set the alarm for 6:00am because we need to go to the front of the school for 6:45am to get picked up to go to our new private school. As I kept staring into space I looked at the picture of me and my parents on my bedside table I mumbled "I hope your proud of me mom and dad." , "This is going to be a New Challenge for me" I told myself as I fell asleep

A/N: OMGGG THAT TOOK SO LONG, I hope you liked this chapter there was Jimin x Hanni moment ahahaha. I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

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