Chapter 8

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   I woke up in the morning to the sound of light snores and arms wrapped carefully around my waist. I tilted my head up and saw it was Niall. A pang of worry spread through me, then I remembered what happened and it went away.

      I wiggled myself out of Niall's grasp, replacing myself with a pillow. Hopefully he wouldn't notice for a while. I hope he wouldn't mind me taking a shower.

    I stripped of my clothes leaving a pile in the corner. I borrowed a pair of Niall's boxers and shirts, I didn't want to have to be stuck in a dress all day. I laid out a towel I could use and I hopped into the nice warm shower, the impact of the hot waternwashing over my body. It felt so nice to wash up, I always liked showers because I felt like every time I had the hot water running over my body, cleaning it. It felt like it was washing away everything bad, everything terrible that's ever happened, it just felt like it all washed away. I put the shirt and boxers on and walked out of the bathroom.

     Niall was still asleep, he looked so peaceful although, he was cuddling with a pillow. Which made the situation a tad funny. I chuckled a bit and realized I was hungry from the rumble my stomach had just made.

     With my amazing cooking skills from the diner I made, pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, and orange juice. I went to go wake Niall up, I mean I did use his supply of groceries, I'll go out and buy him more today. But either way I figured it be rude to eat without him. I opened the door of the bedroom and saw a very naked Niall, I froze a bit before closing the door.

"Oh-oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" I say

"It's fine" Niall says about two minutes later walking out without a shirt

"Um I came to get you because I-I-I made breakfast" I stutter a bit

"Oh lovely, thank you" Niall says and gives me a kiss on the cheek

        He looked super sexy, he was leaning against the doorframe, arms covering his toned chest, his abs showing, his eyes studying me intently, and his hair slightly tousled from just waking up. He seemed so perfect and so sexy.

"Like what you see?" Niall asks with a small smile forming

"Uh-uh, sorry" I say blushing while looking at my feet

"By the way you look amazing in my clothes" Niall whispers in my ear before walking off to the kitchen

     I stood there for a couple minutes, I was like attracted to him. But how?

"Are you going to eat with me?" Niall asks from the kitchen

"Oh, oh yeah. I'm coming" I say and walk into the kitchen

         Niall and I sat there eating breakfast, talking about random shit. Mostly asking questions like what's your favorite color, it was quite fun actually.

"Well um...what are your plans for today? Seeing it being a Saturday" I ask/say

"Usually clubbing, but I guess we could go grocery shopping. That is if you'd like to stay the day" Niall says rubbing the back of his neck

"I'd love to go with you and spend the day, but um can we stop at my house first? I kind of need clothes." I say

"Sure" Niall says and we both walk to put our dishes in the sink

        Niall and I walked to the car, him being a gentleman opened my door and closed it after me, he then ran around and got in. I couldn't stop looking at him, not after last night. His lip slightly swollen, his eye almost a dark purple, his arms wearing purple and black bruises, cuts with some dried up blood still stained. I just felt so bad, and I was bruised to but not nearly as bad as him. I just can't come to forgive myself for letting it happen, I just had to be so stupid and say no.

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