Chapter 14

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       I continued punching him, I slapped him multiple times, bruises appearing. I didn't want to be as bad as him, but I guess I stooped to his level, but I had a major reason to do it.

"How does it feel huh? How does it feel to be useless, to know you can't fight back, that someone else can hit you so hard!? How the hell does it feel, I sure as hell know because of your dumb ass, and I'm sure Niall fucking knows also, I mean for christs sake he's in the fucking hopsital because of your douche bag self!" I shout

         By now all the men are looking at me and trying to stop me but I didn't want to stop, I was mad mad, I was sad, I was broken, I was fucking furious. And this mother fucker deserves everything he's getting.

"Niall's girl, get off of him" I hear someone say

"No! You have no fucking idea what he's done, he's not what he seems like." I say through tears

"Come on, let's get you back to Niall" The voice says

    I get up off the ground and off of Jason's body. He was lying there holding himself in pain. I felt a hand on my ankle and my face come in contact with the matted floor. I felt wet stuff dripping, hell to the fucking now, I did not get a bloody nose. I felt a pair of knuckles hit my stomach multiple times, my cheeks and eyes turning distorted colors. My lip was bleeding. I knew I had to end this, I socked him in the face with a right hook as hard as I could punch, he fell to the ground and was knocked out.

"Where the hell did you learn that?" I hear someone ask

"I-I-I don't know, I guess I just hated him so much. Oh my gosh I'm just as bad as him I stooped as so low to his level" I say through tears.

"No, no you didn't stoop to his level. Come on let's get you to Niall" The voice says

"Niall!" I shout and start running back to the hospital.

     I ran as fast as I could, my breathes going away, my throat going dry, my feet hurting, my face getting hit with cool wind and breezes from crying.

I burst into the hospital, I pushed the up button on the elevator system about 20 thousand times until it finally opened. I hit level 6 and it tooke about two minutes, I was tapping my foot impatiently.

"Can you stop tapping your foot, you worthless piece of trash" The girl in the elevator says rudely

"No, I'm worried my boyfriend might be dead you cold hearted bitch. Don't call me worthless trash, I might have the look of it at the moment but you see my looks you don't know my name and you sure as hell don't know what I've been through, so fuck off" I say

"Sorry ma'am" She says snotty

    I let it go, and I see the elevator stop at four, great she's getting off now hurry the fuck up so I can get to him before he wakes up if he hasn't already. The doors closed after she stepped out, 5...........6. Yes! I ran down the long hallways my feet skidded the floors everytime someone came close to crashing into me, I ran to the desk.

"Hello, I'm looking for Niall, is he awake? Has he left? Is he alive?" I ask worridly

"He's down the hall, he's still asleep miss" The lady says

"Thank you" I say and run off to his room

    I enter the room and look at the note, it was right where I left it, the seal was still intact, nothing was ripped, it all looked perfect. I took the note and ripped it into as many ittle pieces at I could, I threw it in the trash and waited in the chair I had been befroe the girls had told me to go out. I watched him just laying there the thoughts of him every waking up were endless. All I know is, is that I need him.

"Niall. if you can hear me please just make a slight movement. Make your finger move, blink, something, anything. Niall please move your lips just anything will do, I'll notice I just need to know your alive." I whisper while holding his hand as I moved over to right beside his bed

     I was watching him looking to see if there was any slight movement. I didn't blink, I didn't look at anything around the room, I watched him intently. I finally saw it his hand moved and his eyes opened a little.

"DOCTORS! NURSES! HE'S AWAKE!" I shouted so loud I'm sure people in America heard me, seeing as I'm in the United Kingdom.

     Doctors and nurses came running in. I sat back in the chair I had been in before and watched them all. I looked at every movement they made, and everything they did to him.

"Alright Niall, I need you to tell me what you see" I hear one of them say

"I-I-I see ten people and a hospital room" He says

"Good, well do you remember anything that happened to you?" The nurse asks

"Well I was on my way home from Julie's house, 'cause I had been helping her to get ready for her girls night. So I was opening my door and then suddenly I was attacked by three people, I remember fighting back but it didn't help and then I blacked out." Niall says

"Alright Niall, well you are free to go when you want, you are going to have some bruises, you possibly might have a head ache. But all of that is normal seeing as what you went through." The doctor says and they all leave, leaving me and Niall

"Hello" I say with a smile and tears

"Hi" Niall says,his tone was showing no emotion. It was interesting they way he said it. I thought we were fine, but this thing happened and now its like everything has changed. Why did that bastard do this.


Oh hell no!

Julie went all psycho bitch crazy on Jason, good for her, that dumb ass deserves it.

Julie isn't going anywhere

She came back for Niall, that's sweet

She was so excited when he woke up, thinking everything would go back to normal, little did the poor thing know at that time that Niall thought something entirely different. He said his 'Hi' with no emotion, they were just starting to be a good open couple, now we know what some fucker can do to a relationship. I declare Jason should die or go to jail.

I am do curious on what's going to happen to Julie and Niall next chapter.

Until next chapter...

~Ya know you love me. xx

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