Chapter 10

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(*Matt's P.O.V*)

     I was walking into the gym and there was Niall, with a girl........?

"Guys what the hell is going on?" I ask as for they are standing in the doorway watching

"Well, John said there was a rather beautiful girl in here looking for Niall, and its Niall we're talking about. She was sitting down in a seat behind him watching him teach a kid how to box. Then he taught her some basic stuff. He just seems so vulnerable around her." Jack gushes

"So is she the one he was telling us about?" I ask

"I guess so, she fits the description. Mid petite, brown hair, and hazelish dark brown eyes. Plus they were kissing a few minutes ago." Mark butts in

"Oh so she must be......anyone know why she came here?" I ask

"Only reason we know is from what we heard" They all say in unison

"Andy what is the reason?" I ask suspiciously

"She said she got a new job accross the street, ya know at that music store?" Jack says but sounds like more of a question

"Yeah I know which music store, he scored big time. She's gorgeous" I say

"We know, we don't know how he did it. How wasn't she frightenened of him? Most girls only use him for sex, but he uses them also. Do you think she's any different?" Jack asks

"I don't know, she seems to have a more innocent, fiesty type. Like if she has to fight she will, but she won't start it, she'll go to a party have one drink and sit around, she'll dance but won't fuck anyone. She's the virgin friend of her group of friends, she's basically the innocent one" Tom says from behind all of us

"Holy shit! When did you get here?" We all ask in unison

"I was interrupted in training by the pretty little lady in there. The one Niall is falling for." Tom says

"Do you really think he's fallen hard?" Mark asks

"He's never taught a girl how to box" Jack says

"Never done anything with a girl except sleep with them" John pipes in

"He's never been so vulnerable, or anything around a girl" I say

"Agreed" They say

        I honestly have never seen Niall like this with anyone, he usually keeps mysterious and dark around people, around people he fucks. But she, she seems different like she's bringing him into the bright pretty sunlight again. She's reviving him and I think he needs it, he reakky does need it. The whole idea we are all shocked is because we've never and I mean ever seeb Niall act like that towards anyone. We always hang out with him that's why we heard about her. We've all been dying to meet her, we didn't know she'd be this sexy though. We never knew he could do this good. Apparently he could.

            I looked up again and saw Niall and the girl  were laughing, they looked our direction and realized we had been there the whole time. She looked quite embarrased, her cheeks were flushed red and Niall tried putting on his dark mysterious look again. But only as to where we would know, he didn't seem as mad as usual, she calms him down. We need to bring her around more, she seems like she could be a real help on calming him down when he needs to just relax a bit. Seeing as we've seen how bad he gets when he's angry.

         We all went to go change in the locker room spotting Niall in there.

"So Niall what's her name?" Mark asks

"Oh her name is Julie" Niall replies

"You did well on scoring her" Jack says

"Yeah, she's just so innocent" Niall says

"We could tell" We all say giving Niall the same look

        We all went and changed from our outfits and we all just waited for Niall. For him to explain to us, but we never got it. He left hand in hand with the Julie girl. They made a pretty cute couple, him being slightly taller than her, they just looked so good together. She was what he needed, I'm glad he found her and not another floozy from a club.


I tried a different view, hope you don't mind.

So the guys have heard about Julie....

They all like her, they think she's hot and sexy

Are they going to fall for her, or let Niall have his girl?

Is working across from her new boyfriend going to be as good as she thinks?

Until chapter 11.

~Love ya. Xoxo

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