Chapter 11

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*Julie's P.O.V*

        Niall and I walked out of the gym hand in hand, I took a peek behind me and there were several men with their chins touching the ground.

"Niall, why are those guys so shocked?" I ask

"I don't know" Niall simply says

"Oh okay" I say and feel something in my back pocket vibrate. I see a new text message

From: Jazzy Boo ;)

To: Julester

Hey sweetie, girls night tonight. It's your place tonight

To: Jazzy Boo

From: Julester

Okay Jazzy, see you and the girls later :)

From: Jazzy Boo

To: Julester

Okay Jules, see you later.

"Who are ya texting?" Niall asks me curiously, while resting his head on my shoulder

"Oh just Jazz, do you mind dropping me off at home. We have girls night tonight" I say

"Aw and I'm not invited?" Niall asks

"Sorry, your not a girl Niall" I say

"Damn it" Niall sighs

"You can come over tomorrow though. Although I have work at noon" I say

"Alright" Niall says

       Niall and I both hop into his car and Niall decided that he wanted to help me get prepared for the girls night. He claims he's bored and has nothing better to do. Also he really wants to see what my pajamas are, being I didn't tell him last time.

"Niall, did you pick out a movie?" I ask putting on my flanel pajama pants

"Yeah, also made some snack for you's" Niall says

"Aw thank you" I say

"Now can you come down?" Niall asks me

"Yeah, one second though. I'm putting a shirt on" I say throwing on Niall's shirt, the one I borrowed from him

"Now?" Niall asks two minutes later

"I'm coming" I say throwing my hair into a ponytail on my way down

      I walked down each stair carefully, making sure I wouldn't fall. I stopped at the bottom and just stood there.

"Well how do I look?" I ask striking a pose. Niall grabbed my iPhone and snapped a picture

"Personally sexy, and is that my shirt?" Niall asks

"Yeah, I'll wash it and give it to you tomorrow" I say

"Alright, love" Niall says

"What movie did you pick Nialler?" I ask

"You'll see, hope you like it" Niall says

"Alright" I say

"Well I best be off, love you" Niall says

"Love you too Niall" I say and give him a kiss

       I watched him walk off to his car, I watched him drive off and as soon as he left I locked up the door. I sat around and decided to post the picture Niall took. I put the caption as 'Haha my boyfriend took this, he's pretty good with a camera. Haha sorry I'm in pajamas, this is his shirt by the way, I don't own a shirt this big. Well ready to start girls night'

      After posting the pcture I still had atleast five minutes till they got here, might as well see which movie Niall picked out. I opened the DVD player and saw the disk belonging to The Notebook inside. He remembered that was one of my favorite movies.

    I heard several knocks on the door and knew right away it was the girls, I let them in and I knew from the moment the moment they stepped in thats when the fun and truth and story telling was going to happen.


Next chapter is full of their gossip and story telling!

Sounds quite fun.

Isn't Niall sweet for helping out.

Will Niall be hard on the guys for all their words on Julie?

Will Julie stick up for Niall, if her friends trash him?

Hmmm....I guess we'll find out soon

Until next chapter.

~Love ya. xoxo

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