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"Why have you never told me about Christmas?"

CHAPTER ONE"Why have you never told me about Christmas?"

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         Once upon a time, Allison had believed she had heard of all the Terra traditions. From Peter's drunk rambles of his childhood, she had thought she could practically write a biography of his childhood on the third planet from the sun. But Christmas had always been an odd topic, one she had only learnt when spending time with the Avengers. The way they expressed it had made it seem like the most beautiful time of the year, but she still couldn't quite understand the purpose of such a holiday.

           With her chin perched on her open palm, Allison casted a glance down the line of her friends. "I don't get it. why do you need a day specifically meant for sharing happiness with your loved ones?" the sound of her dark side was nowhere to be found, mind at peace for the first time in a while.

             Kraglin, who had been expertly telling the story and drawing them in with the perfect impression of Yondu, shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure. But it sure is a big thing back on Terra."

               "That is so sad..." Mantis said, appalled by the descriptive retelling.

                 On the opposite side of the line, Drax suddenly bursted out laughing. His boastful life left a ringing in Allison ear as he shook the railing the each leant on with excitement.

                  "I like the part where Yondu kicked over the tree!" he exclaimed, resembling a young boy finding amusement in the most oddest of moments. Over Allison's shoulder, Nebula glare seemed to darken and she subtly shook her head. The simple gesture was enough for Drax to ease his loud laugh, allowing for an awkward silence to come tumbling over the group.

                     Pursing his lips, Kraglin abruptly tried to ease the tense air. "Anyways, I just saw on the Multi-calendar that right now on Earth, it's almost Christmastime. So, yeah, it kind of brings back some memories."

As Kraglin thought fondly over the memories, Nebula's voice cut through any thought process. Her pessimistic attitude never failed to extract any joy from a situation. "Yondu had a point. Ever since buying Knowhere from The Collector, we don't have time for trivialities like Christmas." The group turned back to the planet in question, watching the surviving situations move about with soft smiles as the greeted each other. It was a hallow shell of its former glory but nonetheless made a beautiful home for so many. "This place needs a lot of fixing up before it's liveable."

"Oh, it ain't all bad." Allison tried to look on the bright side. But a sharp crash destroyed any hope. They looked down a nearby alley, watching a roof cave in with zero pressure or weight being applied. The Ice Demon winced. "Okay, perhaps it could use some work."

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