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"My friends and I are... from out of town and were hoping to find the legendary Kevin Bacon?"

 from out of town and were hoping to find the legendary Kevin Bacon?"

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        THE ADVENTURE TO EARTH WAS A LOT MORE RECKLESS THEN INTENDED. Though Peter had appointed his girlfriend as co-captain, Allison hadn't had the same experience flying the Bowie as him or even Rocket. But, it stabilised as they appeared in Earth's sector, approaching the gorgeous planet at a much slower pace.

          "Okay! Just putting this out here," Allison called from the front of the ship. "You two cannot pick any fights with anyone." Pausing at the edge of Earth's atmosphere, she turned to Mantis and Drax who sat in their own designated seats, patiently waiting for the landing. "We're here for Kevin Bacon, and that's it. Best not to draw attention to ourselves. Same goes for you, Frost."

               "Oh, please. We will be on our best behaviour," the Ice Demon scoffed. The sharp and pessimistic tone wasn't the most welcoming voice to be heard, but hearing Frost speak felt more comforting the absolute silence.

                As she guided the ship to Earth, Allison shook her head whilst maintaining a smile. "I don't believe that for a damn second."

                 With the sun peering over the horizon, the bright day summers day did little to conceal the massive ship. Cars came to grinding halts at the looming shadow that crept over the usually peaceful neighbourhood. Kids cried in both fear and curiosity whilst parents ushered them indoors and animals retreated to their seperate homes for cover.

                  "I wonder which one belongs to Kevin Bacon," Mantis pondered, peering over the rows of luscious houses that reached for the heavens. "Uh... Allison, what are they staring at?"

                     The Ice Demon glanced at her in confusion.

                     "Did you forget the cloaking device?"

                     Allison's eyes widened involuntarily and she rushed to switch the desire device on. "No. Of course not. Must be some freak natural disaster behind us."

                      "I can plainly see that you just did it right now in front of me," Mantis whined, gesturing to the dial that sparked the enhancement to life.

                       "No, I didn't."

                        "Yes! We just saw you do it," Drax joined in.

                        Allison stood strong. "No, you're lying. Now, let's find a place to land."

                       As they continued forward, the neighbourhood slowly came to an end and towering mountains reached up for them. In large letters, the word Hollywood was planted on the rough terrain. The sign wavered under the ship's engine as Allison set it down on the large mound, uncaring of the loud crack that echoed through the air. A nearby power tower had been knocked sideways by the large invisible wings.

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