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"Okay, maybe Peter stretched the truth a little bit,
but this is still pretty damn cool"


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        RELUCTANT TO LET GO OF CONTROL, FROST LET ALLISON HAVE CONTROL IN THE MOST INCONVENIENT OF TIMES. She awoke already falling backwards and down the short staircase that climbed into the Guardians ship. And she wasn't able to catch herself in time and got a face full of grass.

           Allison hesitantly lifted her head, letting out a huff to blow her fallen hair out her face. "I hate you..." she whispered, slowly raising to her feet and readjusting her fallen hair that had tumbled of the braid. She paused as her hands grazed over her head, catching a headband decorated with sparkling snow flakes. She was also in an itchy sweater, one decorated with green, red and a large picture of a reindeer. "Uh... what'd I miss?"

            "I succeeded where you couldn't," Frost spat. "Oh, and we lost the monstrosity you loved so much."

            Allison's eyes widened. "Wait, what-!"

             "We found Kevin Bacon!"

             Drax was exciting a large store, arms filled with an array of different lights that came in many shapes and colours. There was a wide grin on his face and, leaving Allison in a moment of stunned silence, he was being followed by the famous actor. The famous actor whom was helping them rob a store.

              "Whoa! Rad! You must be Allison," Kevin exclaimed in a happy greeting, shifting the balance of the lights to one arm as he extended a hand. "Kevin, Kevin Bacon."

                Allison glanced at him with suspicion before looking at his hand before back to his eyes. Then, she leaned to one side and watched Mantis emerge from the store with the final collection of decor. "Mantis, why is Kevin Bacon complying with us?"

                 "I had to use my powers," Mantis confessed, giving a simple shrug. "It was the only way to get him to come."

                  Allison wanted to argue, but she also wanted to see Peter smile again. Genuinely smile.

                  So, she decided against protesting and followed her friends into the ship.

                   After taking a minute to wash the mud from her face and hair, she joined them in the cockpit. Her belongs were placed in the driver's seat, Killer Frost's comic propped up beside the first volume of the Awesome Mixtape and the famous pair of headphones.

                     At least Frost could do something right.

                     "Next stop! Knowhere!" Allison cheered, pulling back the leaving and speeding them into space.

                     Drifting into hyper speed, the hopped through the different sectors at an insane rate with the faint sound of festive tunes exploding from a stole speaker nestled in the front corner. As they entered Knowhere's sector, they came crashing back to a simple speed, gliding silently through the dark abyss that was space.

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