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"I just wanted to see you smile again.
Even if it was just for one afternoon with your idol"


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"I'M SORRY, PETER," ALLISON MURMURED IN DEFEAT. Slouched in the cushioned booth, she rested her head on the table, Christmas attire discarded over the bench and leaving her in a simple singlet and jeans combination. Outside, a blow up Santa deflated as they decor was slowly being packed up and Kraglin was preparing to escort Kevin Bacon back to earth.

"I'm not angry at you, Allison," he assured, taking the free seat beside her, leaning an arm over the back of the bar booth. "It's just... you can't do that." There was a light laugh in his words at the unbelievable situation.

           Allison sighed, lifting her head and positioning herself to be facing him. "You have just been grieving so much after Gamora that I just wanted to see you smile again. Even if it was just for one afternoon with your idol..." she waited, watching nervously for a reaction no matter how minimal or how angered. "And Christmas had seemed like such a wonderful time to you... we wanted to reignite that childhood sense of wonder."

              That goofy smile that showed sincerity and gratitude returned. How he ever got so lucky in this crazy world would never make sense.

Allison shrugged in defeat, failing to make eye contact. "I don't know. Perhaps it was stupid." Her counterpart was screaming that she was an idiot for thinking it had been a good idea. But Peter didn't see it as that.

"How'd I ever end up with you, Alli?" Peter asked with a gentle sigh. It always felt like a dream whenever he realised who he was dating and who he was fortunate enough to love. "It did do something. I am smiling," he pointed out simply, watching Allison laugh through her disappointed sigh. "Allison, I truly don't need anything but you and the rest of the Guardians."

Allison rolled her eyes. "You're such a liar," she scoffed, knowing he would gladly except any gift offered with a greedy grin. But nonetheless she maintained a smile, head falling to rest against his shoulder as sudden fatigue etched its way into her body. "It was the first time since everything happen that I felt Frost have genuine fun too," she continued, listening to the soft murmur of her alter as Frost pondered her next speech.

                 With the tension finally easing and Allison feeling as if the fear of her boyfriend's anger fell, she could listen to him laugh with a fond smile. Peter had snickered at her statement. "I mean, if there's anything I suspect she'd love to do, it'd be participating in a kidnapping of a major celebrity back on earth."

                  "You know... can we go do another?"

                  Rolling her eyes, Allison glanced up at Peter. "Frost wants to do another," she recited bluntly.

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