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(im doing the lake chapter if i get weird comments i'm taking this down pls i am just a wee man, just a wee asexual man im just minding my business pls)

(ALSO DRAWING OF HERB!!!1!!11!!!!)

"alright is this everyone?" madaline double checked to make sure pancake hadn't run off,

"yep!" pancake shouted from figs back. i laughed and we began walking, i was using my spear as a walking stick in the back of the group, while madaline lead us up front.

yesterday was my day to rest, so today everyone is going down to the lake. and man, the first few people to arrive were so excited, me being one of them. the few hour walk to the lake could not be over fast enough.

@(・●・)@ POV change @(・●・)@

after hours of walking they arrived at the massive lake. the group stopped just at the waters beginning, and stared for just a second.

the lake was big enough for decent sized waves to form near the middle, but i could still see the other side clearly, shimmers and flicks of light reflected off of the waves, causing the lake to sparkle.

pancake was the first to move, squealing in excitement and basically ripping his squirrel onesie off his little body. Y/N laughed and followed him, running behind him, and the girls ran in the other direction.

once everyone had got in the water they took their clothes off and used the water the scrub the dirt off.

the newer people we done first, so they threw their clothes over low hanging tree branches to let them dry.

once everyone had washed their clothes the best they could, the scrubbed the dirt off their bodies.

Madaline was helping gingerbrave get the knots out of his hair, and Y/N was nowhere to be seen.

"wheres d- Y/N?" pancake asked as herb helped brush out his hair. and the a loud splash was heard, Y/N had swung off a tree and splashed everyone there. he resurfaced and laughed before pancake splashed him again causing them to both laugh and splash each other.

"wow Y/N what the hell happened to you?" vampire asked from behind Y/N,

"huh? what do you mean?" Y/N turned around, confused,

"your back, it's on your neck too." vampire waded closer to him to get a better look, "it looks like you've survived having your throat slashed."

"huh,," Y/N let out a small sound and brushed his fingers across the scar, he could feel what vampire was talking about.

then Y/N turned to see his back best he could, theres were many scars all over his back, they were everywhere and most were dark, and some were faded.

"why are you covered in whip lashes?" madaline asked, he looked horrified.

Y/N just shrugged, then sank down in the water till only his head could be seen, "doesn't matter now because whatever did that probably isn't in these woods." Y/N smiled reassuringly, "so mind ya business!" he joked and splashed madaline.

"yeah i guess..." he trailed off before turning back to wizard.

"OW!!" pancake squealed and rushed over to Y/N, "SOMETHING BIT ME!" looked down at the water like it offended him.

Y/N laughed and sank under the water to see what was under there, and when he emerged he was holding a small crustacean, "crawfish." Y/N said blankly, then smiled at pancake, "its a big one! he pinched you so he will face corporal punishment dont worry." Y/N laughed before he fucking flung it towards the middle of the lake.

adventurer laughed as well, "HAHA IT JUST FLEW!" he pointed at where it landed,

"now i'm on a mission! we gotta get all the crawfish!" Y/N grabbed pancakes shoulders as if finding more crawfish was the most important thing they'd ever do.

he dived back underwater dramatically, madaline scoffed with a smile on his face and turned back to wizard, who was complaining about being splashed my the 'man children'.

after about a minute Y/N re-emerged in a completely different spot, his hands full of crawfish, most of which were pinching him. his face held a look of determination and he laughed again, "what shall i do with the prisoners your tallness." he looked down at pancake who was losing his breath laughing,

pancake couldn't possibly stop laughing to give a response so Y/N looked over at the girls, who were giggling amongst themselves.

Y/N quickly stuck his hands full of crawfish underwater and out of view before he shouted over to the girls, "Hey girls! cover yourselves im coming over!"

"Y/N you'd better not do what i'm thinking." madaline half laughed,

"pshhhhh it'll be fine." Y/N shushed him then dove underwater and swam near the girls, his eyes closed this time.

he rose up a few feet from the group, who all had just their heads sticking out of the water, and their arms crossed over their chests.

"hello ladies," Y/N was out of the water from the waist up with his arms crossed behind his back and a stupid look on his face, "i'm here on business." he contained his laughter,

"and that business is?" chili pepper asked,

"CRAWFISH!!" Y/N waved his arms around wildly throwing the crawfish into the group, they all squealed and scattered, some (chili pepper) cursing at Y/N, as he quickly made is escape, swimming back over to his group laughing.

Y/N hid behind adventurer thinking pumpkin might send pompom over, he was grabbing his stomach and laughing.

Y/N caused almost everyone there to laugh while the girls rolled their eyes.

while everyone was laughing herb spoke, "hey where did custard go?" he looked around the group, and as if on cue custard splashed as he resurfaced, holding a crawfish,

"see i can catch them too! as your king i have to make sure im the strongest!" custard grinned proudly.

Y/N laughed before custards face changed as the crawfish pinched him, he squealed and Y/N quickly grabbed the creature.

"here hold it like this so it doesn't pinch you." Y/N smiled and held it back to custard, the child grabbed it just as he was taught, holding its back with two fingers.

custard quickly went back to gloating, "hah! i am the best crawfish catcher in all the land!" Custard waved the animal around in the air making Y/N laugh.

Pancake quickly git jealous, diving underwater to catch his own, but when he came back up he didn't have crawfish, rather a small bluegill that he had caught with his teeth, Y/N burst out into laughter,

"HAHA! spit hat out you're gonna get salmonella!!" Y/N cackled.

(short chapter fo today i struggled with this for like a week also resisting the urge to call crawfish crawdads was so hard i had to adapt to yalls city kids lingo 🤠

anyway kris smells bad 🫵)

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