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"contact with thy love! endless wealth! endless beauty! endless power! whatever thou heart could possibly wish, is now within thy grasp! all thou hast to do in return is simple! for thou i hast three labors, and from me, thou hast three wishes."


after finally tending to every hound, red velvet hurried up the stairs to check on y/n, who was left in the hands of licorice and poison mushroom. once he made it to licorices room, he slowly grabbed the doorknob, before being stopped by a tug at his pant leg,

"shhhhhhhh, they're sleepin!" poison mushroom whisper yelled,

"both of them?" red velvet raised an eyebrow,

"yeahhhh, they sleepin,"

"well they can't nap all day, well y/n probably could, not the point though," red velvet quietly pushed the door open and looked to licorices bed.

red tried not to laugh upon seeing that licorice was very much awake, the second the door opened his arms flew off of y/n's back, and he held them up as if he was being threatened.


"shut up! he did this! he wanted to- i didn't want to-!" licorice also whisper yelled,

"yeah yeah i get it, when he wakes up take him to the kitchen, he hasn't eaten in a while." he waved his hand to dismiss licorices excuses and left, softly closing the door behind him.

he sighed as he got halfway down the hallway, running a hand through his hair. he furrowed his eyebrows, silently trying to kill the part of himself that was jealous of licorice, telling himself its just because he's touch starved, there could be no other explanation. especially after... nevermind. the past is the past.

(guys i had this entire chapter written and it deleted all of it. from here on im having to rewrite it 🙂 it deleted the fucking revision history and everything 🥲 i want to DIE)

as red made it to the kitchen doorway, he stopped in his tracks, looking at the table in confusion and distrust,

"the hell are you doing here?" red narrowed his eyes at the eccentric man eating strawberries in his chair at the head of the table,

"how rude! i heard you're in need of a healer for your dear y/n correct? i can help with that!" affogato smiled and covered his mouth with his hand as he took a bite of another strawberry.

"and just how did you know that?" red crossed his arms and raised and eyebrow, leaning on the doorframe.

affogato took just a second to finish eating before he answered, "oh we are a team aren't we? what kind of teammate would i be if i weren't up to date on your health!"

"oh c'mon, just tell me what you want with y/n." red velvet got to the point, affogato just gave a sly grin,

"dear, whatever do you mean? i've already said im here to heal him yes? now where can i find him? you haven't hidden him away all for yourself have you? you do seem awfully protective! oh this must be the same situation as tha-"

"shut up! you dont know anything you pompous prick! y/ns in licorices room so fuck off and leave me the hell alone." red raised his voice, pointing at affogato accusingly. affogato kept his confidence, resting his chin in the palm of his hand with that same smile on his face, getting the exact reaction he wanted.

after reds outburst he stood for just a moment, glaring daggers at the man at the table, before stomping off downstairs, likely to calm himself down in the presence of his best friends.

affogato gracefully stood from his chair, chuckling to himself, "what fun this tower always is," he spoke only to himself, tapping the tabletop as he glided past it, his ring finger and pinkie adorned with metal 'claws'.

he sighed almost wistfully as he began his walk to where he remembered licorices room to be from his last visit.

after licorice heard a knock at his door, he decided to just wake y/n up so he could eat, shaking him awake gently.

y/n immediately sat up, already wide awake, "yeah?" he didn't even realize that he was sitting on top of licorice.

licorice tried to pull himself out from under y/n as he yawned, "jeez, you wake up like a military man.." he noted as he got up to answer the door.

the seconds he pulled it open he was met with a hand to the face, shoving him aside as affogato walked straight towards y/n.

"wha- hey!" licorice stumbled off of his feet, landing on his butt,

"y/n dear! we haven't been properly introduced, since you were swept away so swiftly at our prior meeting," affogato took y/n's hand in his own as if he were greeting royalty, ignoring licorices curses behind him.

y/n looked affogato up and down, his face stoic just as affogato had seen last time, then y/n jerked his hand away, "i have no interest in getting to know you." y/n stood up and gave a hand to licorice, helping him up, "you looked like you had something to say to me?" he looked down at licorice as he stood up.

"uh- yeah while you were asleep red said you needed food and water when you woke up and now you've woke up so-" licorices eyes darted between affogato who looked angry despite his smile, and y/n who was growing impatient with affogatos indirect flirting.

"haha, i can take you to do that!" affogato was quick to pull y/n away from licorice, locking elbows with him and pulling him to the kitchen, leaving licorice on his own yet again,

"let go of me, you're annoying voice is hurting my head," despite his arm being locked with affogatos, y/n leaned as far away as possible,

"oh poor you, luckily i can heal you just fine, better than anyone else in this tower,"

"i don't need a healer, and i doubt any of your magic could out do dark magic,"

"oh? let see then!" affogato shoved y/n down into a chair, red velvets chair, moving the seat to face away from the table.

for just a moment affogato acted as though he were about to sit in y/n's lap, before y/n intervened, "not a chance."

"boo, you're no fun!" affogato kept his creepy smile, y/n was beginning to understand why licorice wanted him to stay away from the man, but at the same time he was pretty sure affogato enjoyed it.

affogato put a hand on y/n's forehead, then a purple glow enveloped the area, but it wasn't long before y/n harshly grabbed affogatos wrist and glared up at him,

"thats not healing magic." y/n narrowed his eyes,

affogato seemed genuinely surprised, taken aback that y/n was able to tell,

"undo whatever you just did." y/n spoke again, and affogato just dumbfoundedly listened, undoing the curse he halfway placed.

"did dark enchantress send you to curse me?"

"how were you able to tell?"

"answer my question,"

"no, i did come on my own dear, i really did want to see you."

"don't call me dear!" y/n stood abruptly from his seat, causing affogato to stumble back, "... sorry. im going to my room. my heads still messed up." y/n ran fingers through his hair, hairclips falling out as he did so, and he cradled the side of his head in his palm.

just as y/n made it to the door way he said something, without turning around, "if you want to get to know me try not being so fucking creepy," and with that he lugged himself downstairs.

i didn't know where to end this one so uh

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