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it/its pronouns for strawberry crepe 😈😈😈😈 pink hair and pronouns 😈😈😈😈😈

i am a man, i am a he, i am a male, i don't get into that,,,, mental illness shit

guys i literally just realized it doesn't make sense for y/n not to know abt the teleportation pad bc he would've had to use it to talk the DE the first time but uh ignore that 💀

y/n laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, watching the sun rise through his peripheral vision. he hadn't slept for a second, and his back was very sore, he fight with dark choco made it so much worse, and in less than an hour he'd be whisked away to do an eccentric childs bidding.

y/n sighed as he heard someone walk up to the bedroom door. before they reached the room the threw his blanket to the side and clipped his two weapons to his belt.

y/n opened the bedroom door to see just who he expected, pomegranate stood about to grab the doorknob.

pomegranate looked up at him before huffing, "gracious! what happened to your hair? after i spent so much time fixing it yesterday." pomegranates hands immediately shot to y/ns head, taking out clips and putting them back in.

"ah, yesterday i sparred with dark choco, thats most likely what messed up my hair." y/n leaned his head down so pomegranate could work easier,

"goodness, he always wants to spar with everyone.... who won?"

"thanks to your spells on this top i came out on top."

"good, it seems you might be the strongest here. i guess its good you're on this side." pomegranate muttered the last part as she finished fixing his hair, "c'mon now, you have things to do, i will prepare breakfast and then we'll be off."

"hmm." y/n followed pomegranate, happy that she wasn't dragging him this time.


once pomegranate was done cooking her curry, everyone else had woken up and taken their seat at the table, then red velvet helped pass out portions of the curry and rice before he took his seat next to y/n.

licorice picked all the meat out of his curry as he began talking to y/n, "so y/n who are you gonna work for this week?" he asked, desperately hoping it wasn't affogato,

"that pink haired child, what was its name?"

"strawberry crepe." pomegranate reminded, "when y/n is done eating i will take him to the vanilla ruins and we will all return to our duties." pomegranate reminded everyone else at the table that their break for y/ns capture was over.

y/n was the first to finish his food, bringing his dishes to the counter then sitting back down to wait for pomegranate, who was the last.

"alright it's time to go," pomegranate wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and stood up, "he'll be gone all week unless strawberry sends him back, so say your goodbyes." she stood by the door and waited for y/n, while dark choco walked towards him.

"good luck." he said before turning to leave,

"thanks for the back pain, now i really feel like an old man," y/n mumbled the last part to himself, referencing one of his last interactions with pancake.

dark choco left without another word, then red velvet put his hand on y/ns shoulder, "seriously, good luck, entertaining that kid is tough, i'm pretty sure its a sadist." red velvet only half joked,

"well that's reassuring." y/n joked with a straight face as red velvet also left,

"bye y/n, hope it isn't too tough, see you soon." licorice didn't stop to let y/n respond, he just speed walked out of the room.


"byyyyyyeee! will you beeeee back?" poison mushroom waddled up to y/n and grabbed his pants leg.

y/n leaned down and patted his mushroom head, "of course i'll be back, i don't think strawberry crepe is gonna kill me." y/n reassured the boy,

"yaayyyy, when you get back lets colooorr!  here! shrooomie for luuuck!" he sprouted a blue mushroom in his hand in an instant, handing it to y/n.

before y/n took it he looked at pomegranate in worry, but when she nodded at him he took it, "thanks little guy, seems like i'll need all the luck i can get."

"yaaayyyy, good luck, good luck!" poison mushroom waddled out of the room to follow licorice around.

y/n sighed and walked up to pomegranate, "is strawberry crepe really that bad?" he asked while sliding

"hmm, i don't believe so, it is just hard to entertain, and thats all it cares about; entertainment i mean, so once it explains Dark enchantresses quest to you you'll probably spend the rest of the week making sure it isn't bored." pomegranate explained as they began walking, "it won't kill you, it probably won't hurt you, but it is interested in fighting and may want to spar."

"ah, if i knew sparring was a daily thing here i would've learned to use healing magic..." y/n mumbled to himself.


pomegranate and y/n stepped off the teleportation pad then waited, y/n waited for pomegranate to move as she looked around the ghost town.

y/n was somewhat uncomfortable being so close to the vanilla castle where Dark Enchantress stayed, but he tried his best to brush to feelings off and focus on the task at hand.

pomegranate finally began walking through the town, following the trail of robot scraps, "strawberry crepe! i have y/n with me!" she yelled as they walked, hoping crepe was close enough to here.

"my toy?!" the small child jumped from a nearby roof, landing in between the two, leaving a small crater in the ground, "yes!! i was wondering when you'd come!" crepe was quick to jump up and grab y/ns wrist, dragging him away and forcing him to bend down due to the hight difference.

"goodbye y/n," pomegranate sighed as he was dragged away, y/n couldn't do much else but throw a wave over his shoulder and pomegranate turned to leave.

strawberry crepe drug y/n all the way to it's garage were it built all of it's robots and machines, as they arrived two floating robotic arms flew to crepes sides, then it used them to sit y/n down.

y/n stared at the child confused as it turned his face side to side, lifted up his arms, and walked around him as if it were inspecting him.

"uhh, are you looking for something?"

"odd choice of weapons, those would require specific practice with that specific weapon, i wonder why dark enchantress wants to slow you down." crepe ignored his question and made an observation to itself.

" 25% determination 25% self destruction... all expected..." strawberry crepe grabbed y/ns face and brought it closer to it's own, looking closely into his eyes, "25% love blegh, and 25%.... wooah! thats quite unexpected! you really will be a good toy, yippee!" crepe let y/ns face go and skipped off,

"i'm glad you're durable but you're injured right now so i'm going to try my new designs on you," crepe dragged y/n again to test out the 'new design' it spoke of.

another short chapter behevfjchvudhshswydhdveugsusebeudge next chapter gonna get edgy tho so dw

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