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this chapter is self indulgent and was not planned at all so it's either gonna be the best or worst one 🥶

red velvet picked y/n bridal style and sighed turning towards pomegranate, who walked past him onto the teleportation pad that they found y/n unconscious on. pomegranate knew this would happen, she used a spell to watch y/n through her mirror, and saw him suffer his injuries, ones she wasn't equipped to heal.

it would be quite inconvenient for her if y/n died so she was taking him to the only healers she knew, the ones back at y/ns home. she had brought red velvet with her as she trusted him not to tell dark enchantress, and she couldn't lift y/n by herself.

red velvet followed her onto the pad and she grabbed his arm, teleporting to their destination, directly in the middle of y/ns camp.




"y-y/n?!" pancake yelled and ran up the the trio, stopping when adventurer scooped him up,

"why are you guys here?" adventurer asked as pancake tried to get out of his arms, staring as y/ns limp body in red velvets arms,

"y/n is going to bleed to death, i can't heal him." pomegranate said simply,

"what?!" pancakes voice cracked as he almost immediately started crying, "help him! custard!!" pancake kicked adventure and sprinted full speed at custard, dragging him towards the group, "he can heal!! put y/n down!!" pancake weakly punched red velvets legs.

red velvet half listened, sitting down for the small boys to reach y/n, finally letting them both see the state he was in.

"aah! what did you do to him?!" pancakes voice got all high pitched and squeaky as he cried,

"it must've been an accident while he was doing his chores, chopping wood can be pretty dangerous, don't worry he'll be just fine," cherry blossom walked up behind pancake, rubbing his back and motioning for the two villains to go along with her narrative,

"oh yes, a small tree fell on him, his injuries are in his stomach and the back of his head." pomegranate guided custard, who used his staff to heal y/ns stomach.

soon enough everyone was in the camp was around the group in a circle, cotton joined in healing him, herb staying at the back of the group at pomegranates command, and pancake held y/ns limp hand, trying to hide the fact that he couldn't stop crying,

"he's gonna be fine right? y/n never gets hurt this badly, but he'll be fine! when will he wake up? whys he asleep?" pancakes eyes flicked rapidly between the two villains and his best friend,

"calm down child, y/n will be fine he is quite resilient. he suffered a bad concussion and some bruised and cut internal organs then walked away, he may act strange when he wakes up but he'll be fine, now that he's getting proper treatment." pomegranate tried to answer pancakes questions while aiding in healing y/n, putting all her energy into healing his concussion.

it didn't take that long to heal y/n, all that was left to do was clean all of his blood off of him, and cherry blossom let red know, "here follow me to the stream, i'll clean him." blossom pulled red velvet with her towards the creek, pancake quickly jumping up to follow, along with a few others.

just as red was about to stand up, he stopped, "put me down- i can clean myself," y/n had woken up, only opening one eye as the other was covered in dried blood.

y/n put one hand on red velvets shoulder and weakly stood up, he was visibly shaking but stood mostly on his own anyway,

"y/n!! y/n are you okay?! how did a tree fall on you?!"pancake got too excited and accidentally tackled y/n to the ground in a hug, making y/n land hard on his ass and shooting pain through his back,

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