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"hey has anyone seen pancake? he went to play in the woods and i haven't seen him since this morning?" i asked a group of people working on improving the earlier houses,

"no i haven't seen him since this morning either dear, he was playing over that way though." cherry blossom answered, and pointed into the woods.

"okay, thanks," i nodded then began walking in that direction.

the sun was almost setting and as strong as pancake is the woods are still dangerous at night, and it was about to be night, the sky was painted orange in its entirety, making everything orange toned.

after getting far enough into the woods i began calling his name, not yelling though.

i looked up into the canopy and down in the brush, the crazy kid could be anywhere, i just really hope he's not hurt, "pancake? i'm serious you need to come home, c'mon didn't you want to talk to fig? they woke up." i called out, then huffed.

as i walked a heard a rustle and froze, preparing my new spear just in case, "pancake?" i whispered,

"not quite." pomegranate stepped out from behind a tree,

"you!" i pointed my spear at her, "what the hell are you doing here?!"

"i am simply here to give you what you deserve, your little camp as well," she hid her grin behind her sleeve,

"wheres pancake?" my voice grew dark as i put all of my rage into glaring at her,

"oh don't you worry, he's alive for now," she clicked her tongue then i heard footsteps behind me.

i turned briefly to see three more people, red velvet, the purple child, and someone i've never seen before holding a scythe. and red velvet was holding a knocked out pancake in his monster hand.

i moved quickly, using my spear to pin pomegranate to the tree, stabbing it straight through her arm, causing a shrill scream. then i jumped off of on tree onto another to get into the canopy where i was hidden among the leaves, then as fast as i could i jumped from branch to branch until i was above the man holding a scythe.

he stood in shock as red velvet rushed over to help pomegranate. i jumped down kicking the man to the ground, landing on his back and stealing his scythe from him, then i put it around red velvets throat, "carefully put pancake down, i won't fucking hesitate to kill you right here and right now."

"neither will i." a deep voice sounded from behind me, then something sharp poked into the middle of my back, "drop the weapon or i'll kill you and the child."

i froze 'shit.' there was no good option here, so i slowly dropped the scythe then held my hands up.

"step off of licorice." he demanded, so i stepped to the side off of his back.

"get up lets go." pomegranate ordered licorice, "dark choco take him with us. now hurry up we just need the staff and a prisoner." pomegranate barked as red velvet pulled my spear from her arm.

pomegranate used her mirror and wand thing to heal herself then began walking towards camp. dark choco jabbed his sword into my back to tell me to start walking so i did.

a million ways to get out of this situation played through my head, none of them were without sacrifice, right now i could only hope everyone in the camp could overpower these guys.

"why are you here?" i asked, my hands still in the air,

"don't talk to him, he's smart." pomegranate ordered.

"well shit." i cursed.

"waaaannt a shroomiee?" the purple child tugged at my pants and asked,

"uh, no thanks."

"poison mushroom i said don't talk to him!" pomegranate snapped,

"aww okayyy," the kid waddled next to red velvet and walked in pace with him, with his arms out in front of him like a cartoonish zombie.

as we walked my eyes never left pancake, who was being cradled in red velvets monster arm.

we reached the camp all too soon, everyone was getting ready for bed after dinner, few of them had weapons near.

red velvet glanced back at me with an expression i had seen all to much recently; pity.

he handed pancake over to the man threatening my life with his blade, and took his stand alongside pomegranate.

i have to stop this i have to do something i have to protect them i can't let them be hurt not again i cant lose them again.


before my eyes battle broke out, dark choco had his sword twisted around my throat, i couldn't do anything.

poison mushroom threw out spores and poisoned the air, cherry blossom summoned a petal filled wind to blow the poisonous gas away, red velvet fought both madeline and lilac at once, and he had no trouble either, licorice summoned deformed minions that ripped wool from cottons sheep and stabbed at the legs of chili pepper and adventurer, and pomegranate cast spells to make her allies stronger, and curses to slow and disorient my friends. my family.

"STOP." my voice boomed throughout the camp, and for some reason, everyone listened, "stop. stop everything."

"and why should w-"

"shut the fuck up. you said you wanted a prisoner? if i agree to come with you with no struggle will you leave my family the fuck alone?"

"hmm, and what would you do for us in captivity?" pomegranate took a step forward with that cocky smirk,

"the fuck? what were you gonna do with any other prisoner?"

"recruit them, have them fight for us."

"okay. fine, i'll kill whoever the fuck you want as long as you all agree to leave this camp alone."

"thats all you ask for your humanity?"

"their safety is the only damned thing in this world i care about." i looked down,

"not even your own life?" pomegranate grinned,

"kill me if you must." pomegranate laughed at my response, then dark choco finally dropped his sword.

he ever so carefully handed me pancake, and i quickly took him into my arms, hugging him tightly. and again dark choco gave me that damn look of pity, i shot back a glare.

i slowly walked pancake into camp, i didn't dare look up to meet anyones gaze.

i walked straight to vampire and gave pancake to him.

i stood there for a second, i wanted to say something, anything, i felt as though there was a rock in my throat, i wanted to tell everyone i loved them, to wish them well, apologize.

"u-uhm..." i tried my best not to let tears spill, "tell pancake i'm sorry. i'm sorry.... i'm sorry." my voice cracked despite my efforts, and i got quieter and quieter as i went on.

before i dare let myself cry i turned and walked back to the people about to take me from my family.

"y/n..." vampire trailed off as i walked away, but he never finished his sentence.

the sun disappeared behind the horizon as i left everything i knew behind, everything i loved. everyone i loved.

the real reason i'm asexual is bc if i had sex with someone i'd say in the hackerman voice "i'm in" and then whoever i was with would beat me to death and i would die

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