Jungkook & Seokjin: attacked by sasaengs

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"Where do you think you going? Seokjin asked when he saw Jungkook putting his running shoes on.

"I'm going out for a run. Why?"

"Why? It's already late Jungkook!"

"It's not late, it's 9pm hyung. It's just dark because it's winter" Jungkook said while rolling his eyes. He loved his hyungs, but they could be overprotective sometimes (correct that: always) and he had hoped that turning 23 would help with that, but no. It turned out that being the maknae of the group, meant that he was always going to be babied, no matter how old he was.

"Are you going alone?" the older one asked when he noticed that Namjoon remained seated in the living room. The only other member that willingly worked out on daily bases was watching a movie and it didn't look like he was about to join the youngest for his run. "I will join you then"

"Hyuuunngg, I'm not a child. I can go outside for a hour alone! What do you think will happen?" Jungkook whined

"I dunno, maybe you get lost? Or what if you twisted your ankle and can't get back?"

"I will call you the second it happens" the youngest huffed annoyed

"What if you lost your phone? Or what if you fell on your phone when you twist your ankle?"

"Yeah what if aliens come tonight and decide to kidnap me?

"Exactly! Hyung will come with you, whether you like it or not" Seokjin said as he put on his own running shoes. The oldest was already wearing sweatpants and a sweater; clothes that were made for working out, but actually being used as clothes to wear during a movie night at home. "I thought you would be happy that I joined you. You always ask when I'm going to start working out"

"I'm proud of you hyung" Jungkook said sarcastically as he waited for the older one to ties his shoelaces. "But so you know: I'm not going to slow down"

"Pfff as if that would be needed. I might be the oldest, but I'm still one of the fittest"

~-~-~ A few moments later ~-~-~

"Aish Jungkook! Respect your elders!" Seokjin yelled after running for 40 minutes at full speed. Well, it was actually full speed for the oldest, but a warm-up speed for Jungkook who had clearly held back the entire time. And it turned out that 40 minutes was the breaking point for Seokjin's stamina, who wasn't used to running on a daily basis.

"What's wrong hyung? I thought you were one of the fittest"

"I'm am. But you – you are not human"

Jungkook chuckled at the comment and decided to give the oldest a break. The two sat down on one of the wooden benches in the park so they could catch their breaths.

"Are you okay Kook?" Seokjin suddenly asked after a moment of silence. The youngest made a confused sound and turned his head to look at him.

"I'm okay, why would you ask?"

The oldest sighed and looked at Jungkook for a moment "You've been working out a lot the past couple of weeks. I know you like doing it, but sometimes I wander if it is also a way for you to relieve stress"

"I-" the maknae stuttered. His eyes left Seokjin's face and stared at a tree on the other side of the pathway. "It helps me clear my head" he then admitted

"That's okay. Everyone had their ways to cope with stress. But I worry you will overdo yourself. You already lost some weight"

"Everyone lost weight because of our new diet" Jungkook protested.

"I know, but you more than others" Seokjin said concerned, but then his voice softened "Jungkook, can you please promise me something? Promise me that you come to me or one of the other hyungs if it's becoming too much for you?"

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