Seokjin & Maknaes: hand injury

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"Kookie, can you get some onions for me?" Seokjin asked when he noticed the maknae entering the kitchen.

"Yeah sure hyung" and a few moments later Jungkook returned with 3 red onions in his hands.

"What are you going to make?" he asked when he handed over the said food. Seokjin quickly thanked him before he continued to chop the other vegetables. "It won't be a surprise if I tell you" he smirked when he saw the annoyed look on the younger one's face.

"You're mean hyung. You know I don't like surprises" Jungkook pouted, but then he came up with an idea "Can I help? I can chop the onions"

The oldest one laughed and stopped what he was doing so he could look at the boy standing next to him. "I know what you're doing Kook. But fine, you can cut the onions. But after you're done, you're leaving the kitchen again"

The maknae seemed satisfied with the answer and quickly grabbed the supplies he needed.

"Be careful Kook, that knife is very sharp!"

"Watch out for your fingers"

"He, keep looking while you're cutting with a very sharp knife!"

Jungkook instantly regretted his decision since Seokjin went full mother mode when he started to chop the onions. He was 24, not 3 years old holding a knife for the first time. So he decided to ignore the comments and began to sing some songs of their new album. After he was done with the second onion he felt Seokjin watching over his shoulders.

"That will be enough. Can you put them in the pan?"

Jungkook nodded and walked towards the stove on the other side of the kitchen. He heard the older one shuffle around the kitchen, probably cleaning up in the meantime so the mess would be limited. But then he heard some stuff fall on the floor combined with a pained yell. The younger instantly spun around and gasped when he saw Seokjin holding his left hand close to his chest.

"Hyung, are you okay?" he asked while he moved over the older one. His eyes widened when he saw a big red spot forming on the white shirt.

"Aiishh, uhhh Kook could you give me the kitchen towel please?" Seokjin gritted his teeth when he looked at his bloody left hand. Jungkook nodded and within a few seconds he returned with the kitchen towel.

"Let me see it hyung" the maknae gently grabbed the bloody hand and saw a small but deep cut across one of his fingers. Blood was rapidly streaming down his hand on the ground. Jungkook wrapped the hand tightly in the piece of cloth, hoping it would stop the bleeding. "What happened?" he asked.

"I was gathering all cutting boards and knives, but then the knife was falling. Before I knew it, I was trying to catch it but it had cut me" Seokjin explained and let the younger one bandage his hand.

"That knife is very sharp" Jungkook mimicked the older one with a laugh. The oldest gave him a playfully punch on his arm with his uninjured hand in return. Jungkook was about continue his imitation but then noticed the kitchen towel getting red.

"Hyung, it won't stop! You're bleeding too much!" the younger started to panic. "Hyung sit down, I think you sit down"

"Kook, relax" Seokjin tried to calm him down, but he sat down on one of the chairs at the dining table anyways. He must admit, he felt a little queasy when he noticed how much blood was on the ground, his shirt and now the kitchen towel.


"Hyung! Jimin hyung!"

Jungkook started to yell while he was hovering nervously next to Seokjin. He knew that only Taehyung and Jimin were home, since the rappers were still in the studio working on their new song for the album. He must have sounded distressed when he called for the others, because a few seconds later he saw the 95-liners running into the kitchen with worried looks on their faces.

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