Jungkook & Yoongi: hate comments

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"Welcome home hyung!" the 6 members shouted happily when the seven were complete again after Yoongi was discharged from the hospital. The rapper smiled and let himself being cuddled by each member before he could remove his jacket and shoes.

"Hyung I missed you so much" Taehyung said when he wrapped his arms around the smaller one's shoulders.

"Tae watch out with his shoulder! Let's not destroy it on the first day he got back from the hospital!" Seokjin chuckled and peeled the second youngest away from Yoongi.

"It's okay hyung, he didn't hurt me" Yoongi quickly reassured everyone because he hated when people were walking on egg shelves around him. Don't get him wrong, he was grateful for everyone's care and help the past couple of days after his shoulder surgery, but he already hated how much help he still needed. He couldn't just get out of bed and get dressed, because he could barely move his left shoulder. He couldn't wash his hair, which was getting longer and longer, so he had to rely on others when he could take a shower. He couldn't take his car and ride to the supermarket to get food for dinner. No, he had to wait until one of his members had finished working until they were able to go and drive him to the supermarket. And we didn't start about cooking yet. In short: he couldn't do a lot of things. And the last thing he wanted, was that the others had to change their usual routines, only because he couldn't use one of his arms.

"Does it hurt hyung?" Jungkook asked from his left side. The rapper looked at the youngest and noticed the worried look on his face. The boy's eyes were fixated on his sling when Hoseok had taken his jacket, and Yoongi didn't miss that he took a step backwards to create more distance between him and the injured shoulder.

"It's okay" Yoongi shrugged his good shoulder and smiled "They gave me some painkillers before I left" Jungkook hummed, but didn't move forwards to hug Yoongi like the others had done. Or maybe the youngest had hugged him when he didn't notice it, so the second oldest didn't think too much about it and let it go for now.

"It smells really good! Who has cooked today?" Yoongi asked instead so the situation wouldn't get awkward.

"We ordered take-out! It just got here before you arrived. Namjoon thought that you would like-" Taehyung started to ramble while dragging Yoongi to the living room. The oldest rapper chuckled and his heart melted when he saw that the members had prepared a special spot on the couch for him. The corner was filled with every cushion they had in their dorm and a neatly folded blanket was lying next to it. On the coffee table in front of the couch were multiple take-out boxes with noodles, fried chicken, vegetables and a lot more. A lot more than 7 grown-up adults could eat.

"- but Hoseok thought you would like something with lamb so we got that as well. We also got-"

"Everything looks good. Thanks guys" Yoongi said to stop Taehyung from rambling even more. The second youngest was known to get overly excited in these kinds of situations, but no one minded it since it was adorably cute.

The rest quickly took their spot on the rest of the couch so everyone had excess to the coffee table and the food. Hoseok, Namjoon and Jimin were sitting on the left side of the couch, and Taehyung and Hoseok had taken a seat on Yoongi's right side. Everyone was comfortable, except for Jungkook who decided to sit on the ground on the other side of the table.

"You can sit next to me Kook, no need to sit on the ground. The couch is big enough" Yoongi said a patted the spot on the couch next to him. The youngest eyes widened with looked like fear, and then he quickly shook his head. "It's okay hyung. I'm good here"

The rapper frowned for a moment but he was soon distracted by Hoseok who held a plate in front of him, filled with different kinds of foods. And when his stomach started to grumble, Yoongi forgot about Jungkook's odd behaviour and began to eat as if he had been starved in the hospital.

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