Jungkook & BTS: heel injury

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London, the O2 Arena, their first European concert of their Love Yourself tour and Jungkook was very excited for tonight. No, scratch that: he was thrilled to get on the stage and dance his heart out! He absolutely loved going to countries across the world and since they didn't go a lot to Europe, it was adding another layer of excitement for the youngest member of the group.

"Yeah-yeah, hey-yeah, yeah-yeah" he hummed while stretching his legs in on the rooms backstage.

Like always, the members warmed up their own way and own speed since they were still 7 different people after all. Namjoon was always one of the first to arrive with Hoseok, and sometimes Seokjin. The leader of the group would go over some boring practical stuff with their managers before he sat down to eat something and after scrolling some time on his phone he would slowly but thoroughly stretch all his muscles with utmost care. Hoseok however started to warm up a little earlier so he could join their choreographer and stage manager to go over their performances and guide their background dancers if needed. And Seokjin sometimes came with them when he was bored in his hotel room and decided to join the 94-liners to the stadium to get ready. The oldest member then usually started to make small talk with the staff to pass the time.

The maknae line and Yoongi arrived about an hour later, and each of them divided across multiple rooms to get ready as well. Jimin's warm up was very similar to Hoseok's, and it wasn't a surprise that the oldest maknae usually joined the best dancer of the group when he was done. The other 95-liner was sometimes nowhere to be found, and sometimes everywhere. Taehyung could be either reserving his energy and resting on the couch while watching something on his phone, but he could also unload some of his build up excitement and joked around like Seokjin did.

And then there was Jungkook, probably the most extreme perfectionist out of the 7. Once he was doing eating, he started to warm up his voice as he was going over their songs in order of the setlist. He didn't only sing his own part but also Jimin's or Seokjin's part for example when he was practicing his high notes. And once his voice had warmed up, he started to stretch his muscles so he could do a little work out as well before their concert would start. In total, the time he was busy preparing himself for the concert was mostly longer than the concert itself, because he rarely sat down in between like the others members did.

"Yeah-yeah, hey-yeah, yeah-yeah" Jungkook hummed again, but this time his voice reaching a different tone. The boy was happy and enjoyed the quietness of the room since he was alone and decided to stand up to shift his weight to his other side to stretch his left leg.

But the moment he took a step backwards, he felt a white hot pain coming from his ankle, making him gasp and nearly fall on the ground if he hadn't caught himself on the wall for support.

"Shit shit shit" he muttered when he glanced at his left foot. From this angle he couldn't really see how his ankle was faring, but he did see blood dripping on the ground and he could feel pounding pain coming from the source. And since 1+1 makes 2, Jungkook knew immediately he had injured his ankle badly.

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked a little panicked. He wasn't afraid of blood or wounds, but his heart was immediately beating like crazy because of a completely different reason: their concert was going to start in 2 hours!!! Why did he have to injury himself now?!! And not when they weren't just about to start another performance!!

The boy lifted his left foot again as he tried to get a better look at it, but stopped when it only made a bigger mess on the floor where a small puddle of blood was forming. At the same time, his right leg was started to cramp from holding all his weight so he rapidly started to scan the room for something to sit on. But of course, the only furniture in the room was a couch on the other side of it because Jungkook had deliberately chosen a space without many obstacles so he could warm up without any problems. So how did he get hurt in the first place then?

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