Namjoon & Rapline: flu

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Going on separate holidays wasn't something new for the BTS members, since they all had gone on holidays with their families and friends on their own, but going on a holiday with just a one of two members was something new however. It started off with Namjoon who wanted to go to Switzerland and afterwards making a road trip across the rest of Europe. And while sharing his ideas for his upcoming holiday over dinner one night, Hoseok got excited and told the other 94-liner how he was planning to go to Italy around the same time and Yoongi showed them how he got plane tickets to Denmark the night before. It was too much coincidence, but also weird to travel alone across Europe during the same period, so the rappers had decided to combine their ideas into one big roadtrip and that's how they eventually ended up in Germany on their fourth day of their two-week trip.

"That that - I *hiccup* like that" Hoseok giggled as he stumbled into Yoongi while they were walking back to their rented apartment after going out for drinks. It was past midnight and the rapline had decided to go out and discover why the German people like their beers so much and they quickly understood why. Especially Hoseok, who got a glass or two extra after using his charms and got some free beers from the bartender. Well actually, he didn't need to use his charms since the bartender had recognized them and treated them free beers of the house, but drunk Hoseok thought he had 'fixed' it and that Yoongi should be proud of him.

The oldest rapper loved evenings like this. Even though Seokjin was the oldest, it was him who taught everyone in their group to drink alcohol when they were old enough to legally do so. And it sounds maybe a little bit strange, but it felt like he was a father who watched his son drinking his first beer. So when he and the members were going out for drinks together, he always thought back to the days when his donsaengs had their first sips and those memories never failed to make him happy. And this night was like no other.

So here they were, the three rappers, the three musketeers, walking down the streets in Germany with one very drunk member and two slightly less drunk members to go back to their apartment where they would be staying for another day before going to Switzerland.

"Can you *burp* feel it? Can you feel it hyyyuunnnggg" Hoseok slurred and touched Yoongi's hair with both his hands before his hands tousled the hair until the oldest rapper couldn't see anything anymore, so he gently grabbed both hands in his own.

"Yes Hobi, I can feel you. We're almost at the apartment" Yoongi chuckled when Hoseok let out another burp and decided to bother Namjoon instead. The youngest rapper had impressed Yoongi tonight. It had been years since the two of them had gone out for drinks, and it turned out that Namjoon had learned to hold his drinks quite well. When they had just debuted, the baby rapper was an absolute lightweight when it came to alcohol, but working out almost as much as Jungkook must have given him something extra. Or it was just age. Yoongi remembered that he wasn't good at drinking whiskey when he was young, and right now he could easily drink a few.

And tonight... Hoseok had proposed to do a drinking game with only one rule: drink when you said an English word. Of course Namjoon had protested at first since he was the only English speaking member of the group, but Yoongi had taken sides with Hoseok so it was 2 against 1. It wasn't a surprise that their leader had to drink the most in the end, but then Namjoon changed to rule to drink when you laugh and then the tables were turned. Within half an hour, Hoseok had doubled his drinks, resulting in a very drunk and very loud Hoseok and that was quite an enjoyable sight for the other two rappers.

Thankfully their apartment was in the centre of the city so they didn't have to walk for too long and get Hoseok in bed before he would pass out. Over the past few years they had learned that the dancer was known to be chatty and touchy when drunk, but that could change within a second and then he became a sleepy baby that wouldn't wake up for the next 10 hours. And Yoongi and Namjoon really wanted to be home when Hoseok decided to change, because carrying a famous K-pop idol across the streets of Germany wouldn't do well with the press and social media...

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