Jimin & BTS: fainting

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Jimin usually loves shooting music videos. He loves the way he and the rest of the boys were working together with the staff to make something special for ARMY so everyone did their 110% best to make it work. It didn't matter if they didn't sleep for more than two hours in a row, or the blisters that were forming on their feet after dance for hours on new shoes. Or how make-upartists and stylists kept touching them every time they moved. It was all worth it in the end.

So Jimin should feel extremely excited that today was another day of shooting a music video, and he should be even more excited that they were on the other side of the world because one of the directors had found a location that was just perfect for their new song 'On'. The place was called Sepulveda Dam and when they arrived the first thing they saw were the large pillars of what seemed like a bridge. And next to it was a really big concrete field that was certainly big enough for the 7 members and the background dancers who would join them during the MV. It was just perfect.

Well... It would be perfect if Jimin was feeling a little bit more perfect. Yesterday he started feeling ill after he and the boys went out for dinner, and he assumed he must had eaten something bad. He was grateful that they were rich enough that they didn't need to share a hotel room anymore, so nobody had to witness him emptying his stomach over and over again in the toilet during the night. When he woke up after sleeping for less than two hours he still felt queasy and he didn't had an appetite during breakfast. Thankfully nobody had noticed because they were too excited to go to their new location, so he didn't have to share his misery with the rest of the boys.

But the second he stepped out of the van, he felt the heat hit body and his headache returned at full force. The sun was literally burning on their skin and heads, so Jimin immediately started to search for a spot in the shadow. But unfortunately they were scarce since the place was only concrete with some more concrete and the nearest tree was almost not visible because it was so far away.

"It even bigger than I thought it would be!" Jungkook said amazed when he looked around next to Jimin, his big doe eyes scanning the place and observing every single detail of their new set. Taehyung was excited as well and wrapped an arm around each maknae to pull them close to himself.

"Ahh Tae it's too hot for that!" Jimin whined and removed the heavy arm around his neck. Having a warm body pressed against his own was the last thing he wanted right now.

"Stop whining hyung, you're not even wearing black" Jungkook whined back and pointed at his black jacket he was wearing. The oldest maknae swallowed nervously when he felt some stomach acid rise at the back of his throat and he almost wanted to explain that he wasn't feeling well. But before he could say anything the two maknaes were already distracted by Seokjin who was talking to one of the cameras, and Jungkook and Taehyung never turned down an opportunity to mess with the eldest.

"Aiishhh let me talk for once!" he heard Seokjin yell and Jimin couldn't help but smirk, knowing that the two youngest succeeded in their mission. If his head wasn't throbbing painfully against his skull, or if his stomach wasn't turning around 360 degrees, he would have joined the maknae line since he was a maknae himself. But he just couldn't find the energy to do so today.

"You okay?" Jimin suddenly heard Hoseok's voice next to him. The younger one turned around a little too fast and he needed a second to clear his vision from black spots. 'Shit don't pass out' he thought desperately and he had the sudden urge to grab something - or someone- but he didn't need to when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder instead.

"Jimin?" Hoseok asked concerned and placed a hand underneath the makae's face to lift it. "Maybe you should sit down, you're a bit pale"

'Am I pale? Since when I am pale? I looked fine before we left. Maybe I should tell Hoseok though'

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