Jungkook & BTS: broken arm

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Fun fact: this is my first ever BTS fanfic I wrote :) (about 2 years ago). It's not my best work, but yeah... Maybe it's still fun to read ;P


It started off as a normal day for BTS. They had a 3 hour dance practice scheduled in the afternoon and everybody was getting ready to leave.


Loud laughing was heard in the hall and multiple footsteps were coming close. Namjoon looked at Yoongi with a confused look and signaled 'what is going on?', but before Yoongi could answer they saw their youngest running fast towards the kitchen where the older two were seated. Jimin was close behind Jungkook, trying to catch the maknae since it turned out that the boy had removed the shoelaces of Jimin's favourite dancing shoes.

"Come here Kookie, you will regret what you did!" Jimin laughed while being out of breath. They were running circles around the kitchen island. The maknae could only laugh at the words and continued to run around, but he didn't notice Taehyung sneaking up at him and with his quick reflexes he caught Jungkook around the waist with both arms. Both boys tumbled to the ground with the youngest trying to catch his breath.

"Ahh hyung! You betrayed me!" said Jungkook dramatically. Jimin came around the kitchen island, wearing a proud look on his face "95-line will always have each other's back! Thanks Tae for catching him, bunnies are really hard to catch!". He crouches next to the pair on the ground and started to tickle Jungkook. The youngest tried to escape once again, but the two hyungs managed to keep him on the ground.

Yoongi had a small smile on his face while looking at the maknae line on the ground. When he finished his coffee he said "Boys, pack your bags, our car is ready at the front door".

"Lis-ten to hy-uuuuung ahh sto-ppp hahaha stop" Jungkook managed to say between laughing and trying to breath at the same time. Taehyung and Jimin finally stopped and sprinted towards the van outside "shotgun for passenger seat!!!!!" yelled Jimin.

"Aiii! Too late! While you were torturing our Kookie, I took the passenger seat already" said Jin proudly from the front row in the car.

"No worries boys, the best seats are in the back, next to your hope, my hope, I'm J-Hope" Hoseok said while pointing at the empty seats next to him. Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other, and decided that sitting next to Hobi-hyung would be indeed the second best choice.So they quickly settled next to him and soon Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook arrived as well and sat behind the three boys.

During the car ride, the energy of the maknae line was still sky high and they continued their little banter. Jungkook was digging his knees in the back of the seats of Jimin, giving him a 'massage'.

"Ahh Kookie!! You're getting your revenge after practice tonight! This is not over yet!" The small boy yelled through the car. Jungkook could only laugh out loud at the little outburst "Even your screams are cute Jimin-ssi!!"

This time Taehyung laughed out loud as well, and Jimin looked betrayed at him "You too TaeTae?" and smacked the boy's left leg playfully. Taehyung then turned to the boy behind him and digged his fingers around the younger ones kneecap.

"Argg that tickles Tae!! Stop hahaha" Jungkook squirmed as he tried to dodge Taehyung's hand. Namjoon and Yoongi, who were sitting left and right of the boy, were rolling their eyes and were amazed how much energy the younger ones had. Thankfully for them, the car ride was relatively short and the arrived rather soon than later.

It didn't take too long for the boys to get reading because they were already in their dancing clothes, so Hoseok walked towards the stereo and opened the playlist on his mobile phone.
"Okay, we will begin with Blood, Sweat and Tears!" the main dancer announced to the rest of the group. They rehearsed this song many times before, so after two rounds the lead dancer was satisfied enough to move on to the next song. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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