Introduction Part 2

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The blaring alarm clock his mother insisted he kept beside his bed woke him up again with a start. He was peacefully asleep in dreamland before suddenly it was once again crushed and torn away from him when he shot upwards, hand on his racing heart, glancing around anxiously in fear and alarm. Awake and alert, he tries to identify the cause of disruption only to notice that it was finally time for him to shut the alarm off and go to school again.

Timothy Rey-Jones groans and slams his hand down on the device before stretching and getting out of bed. With a yawn, he groggily pulls his clothes on and heads toward the bathroom to freshen up and do his hair. He approaches the mirror and sighs when taking in his appearance.

His curly black hair is a wild, tangled mess on knots and pieces sticking up everywhere. It's going to be a bitch to tame, and it almost matches the dark bags underneath his eyes that are very noticeable on his pale skin. Quickly, he brushes a comb through his hair, wincing whenever it gets caught on a snarl or pulls on his scalp.

A pounding on the door.

"You done in there yet?"

"I just got in here Michelle!"

"I don't care, hurry up loser! I need to get in there too, you know!"

"I know, you tell me that every morning!" Timothy laughs and finishes getting ready before swinging the door open and holding it for his adoptive sister, Michelle Jones, to which she responds with a sarcastic curtsy before slamming the door closed behind her. A repeated ritual between the siblings that never really got old.

He snatches up his school bag from the floor, putting his books and shit inside, he slips a monster into the side pocket and then hoists the heavy thing onto his shoulders. Pushing his phone into his sweatshirt pocket, he pops two pieces of toast into the toaster immediately after.

The toast pops back up just as Michelle had exited the bathroom and entered the kitchen.

"Mom's already out I'm assuming?"
"Yeah, so is dad."

"Really? He's never usually gone this early."

"I think he was called in."

Timothy hands Michelle a dry piece of toast after she puts her jacket and bag on, and the both of them exit the apartment and head off to school. 

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