Chapter Six

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"Oh my God MJ you will never guess who I just ran into on the roof!" Timothy announced when he returned to the party to fetch his adoptive sister.

"No, I guess I won't," she muttered while looking up from her book, "but I bet you'll tell me."

"I ran into Spider-Man MJ! Spider-Man! Peter wasn't lying when he told us he knew him!"

"So, we can leave now?"

"Yep, exactly why I came to find you."

"So, you don't want to see the look on Flash's face when he's proven wrong?"

"I would love more than anything to see a shocked, defeated look on his stupid face, but I know you don't give a shit so..."

"So, we're leaving?"


"Great." Finally, she bookmarked the page she was at in her book and closed the damn thing. She held it tightly against her chest as she made her way toward the door, tossing a quick, "you coming?" over her shoulder as she went. 

When the two returned home they went straight to their own kitchen. MJ dropped her book on the counter and Timothy grabbed out a frozen pizza, immediately tossing it into the oven before heading into the bathroom for a quick shower. No way in hell he's going outside again.

Sighing, he shuts the water off and steps out, wrapping a towel around his waist. He exited the room and went down the hall to his bedroom.

"Yo MJ! I'm out of the shower!" He called.

"Finally!" He heard her shout. Moments later he heard the bathroom door slam shut.

He entered his bedroom, one hand holding his towel up, the other closing the door. Turning, he never expected to find someone else standing there, much less the famous web slinging hero he had a crush on.

"Holy shit bro!" He exclaimed, thankful that he had noticed before he had started changing, though, how could he not notice the obvious man in bright red standing in the middle of his room?

"Oh j-jesus!" The masked hero turned away, converting his eyes, "I'm so sorry, I didn't think... I can just go!" He began to make his way back to the window, but Timothy's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Just wait outside. I'll call you back when I'm done. Please don't leave."

And he couldn't just leave.

So, he waited on the wall outside of his crushes window, his face on fire, his heart racing over a hundred miles per hour.

He also cursed this damn skintight suit.

"Alright!" When Timothy's voice cut through the silence he turned his attention to the window, where said boy's head poked out. He looked ethereal. His blue eyes alight with something akin to happiness, though not quite, his skin pale, but flushed after his shower. His hair stuck up in every which way, curly and unruly, which only added to his allure.

He was picture perfect, but in Timothy's eyes, so was the batted-up superhero.

"You can come in now."

"W-well I don't need to come in but-"

"No buts, come on in."

So, Peter complied, crawling back inside the bedroom through the small window.

It's so weird being inside of his crush's room. It's smaller than he pictured, and less colorful too. The walls are standard white, his bedsheets and curtains are standard black, and his doors and drawers are standard brown wood. 

Peter guesses that not everything surrounding Timothy needs to be as extra as Timothy. 

"So..." Timothy starts, staring at the hero with an amused glint in his eyes, "You just here for the show, or is there something else you needed?" 

That snapped Peter out of it. He finally looked back at Timothy, who is still standing by the open window. 

"I-it's nothing weird, I just..." Peter takes a breath, collecting his thoughts before continuing, "I wanted to let you know that I checked on Peter Parker for you."

Timothy's eyes lit up at that. 

"Really, did he make it home in one piece?" 

"Of course, why wouldn't he?" Peter furrowed his eyebrows but couldn't help but smile. "He made it home just fine. He felt bad for just leaving without telling anyone. He wanted me to let you know that."

"It's fine, I figured he'd leave early. Flash is a dick." Timothy rolled his eyes, and Peter couldn't help but do the same behind his mask.

"So Peter tells me..." Peter trails off, not really knowing where to go from there, and feeling honestly quite awkward. 

"You know, you don't act like I thought you would." Timothy speaks up, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"In the video's I've seen of you, you seem so... sure of yourself. Confident and quippy." Timothy thinks for a second, "And you still are, but... I think that's just for the cameras. Talking to you one-on-one like this, you're a lot more... real then I thought you would be." Another pause. "I think that's why I like you so much. You're so real." 

Peter is stunned silent. 

"Sorry if I made it awkward." Timothy apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck with a small smile on his face. 

"If you made it awkward?" Peter responds, dumbfounded, "I feel like since the second I showed up I've been the one making it awkward!" 

Timothy laughs. 

"We can be awkward together then!" 

And Peter feels his face heat up with those words. 

"Y-yeah. That would be nice." 

It's silent for a little longer, before Peter clears his throat. 

"Well, I should probably head out." He says, making his way over to the window.

"Aww, going so soon?" Timothy teases.

"I've got hero stuff to do." Peter responds, and Timothy moves out of the way of the window to let him out. 

Peter climbs up onto the ledge, and out the window. 

"Maybe we could do this again?" Timothy suggests, sticking his head out of the window so he can still talk to the web slinging hero. 

Peter can see the other boy's icy blue eyes as clear as day. Wide and full of hope, but all Peter can respond with is:

"Good night, Timothy."  

Before he jumps off the side of the building and into the night. 

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