Part 6

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I jumped for the hundredth time in the past hour. The tv flashed a bright light as a face appeared in the corner of the room before darkening again and the face disappeared. "Who picked this?" Sapnap asked, a pillow hugged closely to his chest and held just below his eyes.

"Dream did." George accused. I picked this movie in an attempt to scare George into swearing. So far, I've only had a pillow accidentally hit over the back of my head and gasps. "I didn't know it was this bad!" I defended myself, clinging onto the blanket I had wrapped tightly around myself.

My back pressed against the couch George laid on, his head was only a few inches to the side of mine and I wouldn't be surprised if my hair covered some of his vision. The pillow he hugged would eventually hit against my head every time the brunette jumped, and each time it did he'd pull it away and apologise, asking if I was okay.

Sapnap called him gay a few times, causing the brunette to fall silent until the next, inevitable jump scare.

"It's like this movie is just a PowerPoint of jump scares." Sapnap gasped. The face was back and this time it was even closer to the character in the movie. "I don't even understand what's going on." I scoffed, watching the man lock himself in a room. "I think the face thing is a cat man." George tried to explain. "A cat man? Dude, it's literally that one fucker that was strolling around at the beginning of the movie."

I don't know what either of them are talking about. Each time the screen would flash and a random song would play, I'd flinch, just like the other two. I don't need to know what's going on to shit my pants.

I'd rather not know, anyway. I think context would make it even worse. "We should've watched Winnie the Pooh or something instead." Sapnap cried, covering his eyes with his pillow as the music changed.

I pulled the blanket closer to me, trying to prepare myself for the scare. I knew it wouldn't work but I still tried. Maybe next time it'll actually work and I'll just be able to shake off the whole thing and actually be able to sleep tonight.

It didn't work. My body tensed as a figure appeared behind the lady. She was completely new to the movie but fuck did that scare me. "Rip." Sapnap joked but I could tell he was scared too. The pillow hit against the back of my head softly before being moved away.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" George asked, leaning forward slightly to see my face. I turned to him and smiled. "I'm okay, George. It's just a pillow." He nodded and moved back to his original spot.

"Next time you may as well just kiss his head better." Sapnap jokes. "Shut up." George replied, clearly embarrassed. "I just don't want to give him a concussion or something." He mumbled, only slightly audible through the loudly played music. "With a pillow?" Sapnap asks, a laugh creeping its way up his throat.

"I'd be surprised if you'd even get a flinch out of him, twig arms." He laughs. I scoff, amused and turn to defend the brunette. "He's just being nice, Sap. Maybe you should try it sometime." He picks up a pillow and launches it in my direction. He smiles but it's quickly wiped off of his dumb face when I catch the pillow and avoid being hit.

He grabs another one and uses his original 'comfort pillow' and this new one as a shield. I throw the pillow back at him and it hits his makeshift wall. He drops the barriers and cautiously looks at me, relaxing when he sees I have no pillow in my hands. He sighed in relief but just as his shoulders drop a new pillow hits the side of his face, knocking a 'woah' out of his once closed mouth.

I laughed and tilted my head back to smile approvingly at George. He laughs back while Sapnap complains about how this is bullying. "I feel like I'm third wheeling and not once have I seen a tongue go down one of your throats." He mumbles, aggressively pushing the pillow away from him. George chokes. "What? That's so weird to say!"

Sapnap shrugs. "You two act like some sort of married couple with a strong hatred towards me." He joked. I fake pouted. "I could never hate you, Sappy. You're my little beef stick." He flips me off.

George scoffs and I tilt my head back once again. "Don't worry, Georgie. You're my little twig, I'm not leaving you out either." I tease. The two of them aren't exactly happy with their new names but it shuts them up enough for all three of us to start focusing on the movie again. Even though I'd prefer not to continue watching this shit.

The next 20 minutes are normal. The jump scares are shit, just stupid things like cats running out of bushes and unexpected guests sneaking up on the characters. I almost fell asleep, if I'm honest. The whole plan of making George swear completely slipped my mind until the screen went black, showing what the character could see in front of them.

It was dark, just quiet breathing keeping us interested on the screen. Nothing moved. The camera flashed back to the character and then they jump, spinning around to look at the dark forest behind them. Their flashlight spins with them, flashing over a figure standing beside a tree. It's only there for a second, if that, but it's still enough to make my heart feel like it's skipped a beat.

"I'm going to cry." Sapnap calls out, his voice strained as if he was actually going to cry. "Who the fuck was that?" I ask slightly louder than I intended. "I don't know." George whines. He pulls the pillow closer to his chest, brushing the fabric against the back of my hair. "Why are there so many fucking jump scares?" He asks, his British accent practically drowning the words.

My head turns to look at him. Sapnap does the same and together we just stare. George focuses on the movie until his eyes flicker down to look at me and he realises that neither of us are watching the movie.

Sapnap is shocked. His eyes are wide and his jaw is hung loosely. I'd think he'd just had his soul sucked from his body if I hadn't just witnessed the exact same thing. My eyes lit up in excitement, my chest tightening as I smiled. It worked. He actually swore and he didn't even realise it. Or he didn't care. I don't know. I don't care. He swore and that's all I care about.

"You swore." Sapnap pointed out. George frowns. "I did?" He asks. Sapnap nods, eyes still wide in shock. "Oh. Oops, I guess." George shrugs, clearly not caring too much about the topic.

Why doesn't he care? Shouldn't he be freaking out and covering his mouth? Rambling on about how his mom is going to kill him or something like that. God, if that was Caleb he'd be rolling on the floor in tears, convinced that God was going to come down to earth and personally take the kid to hell himself.

He just doesn't care. He doesn't seem surprised or scared. His hands stayed wrapped around the pillow and didn't even flinch to cover his mouth. He doesn't mention his mom or God once. Maybe he has swore before and just lied earlier.

But then he'd have lied too? He would've broken two of his mom's rules without me helping. Without even knowing me. Sap and I turn back to the movie. It's ending soon, I can tell. It's got to the part where the characters realise what they need to do to actually get rid of the thing following them and now they're searching for whatever they need.

I'm ready for more jump scares, and probably hits from George's pillow, and I hug the blanket closer to my body as I finally pay attention to the plot of the movie.

WC: 1379

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