Part 7

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It was shit, to say the least. The ending was pure shit and I'd have thrown my drink at the screen if my mom wasn't such a bitch. It ended as soon as it started and bored me faster than the church's ugly priest.

George swore, just like I wanted, and that left me bored and wanting something else to do to 'break him'. I decided on lying. Maybe, he's already lied before and I don't know about it but whatever. I'm going to make him lie to my mom about how we spent the night.

So that's how the three of us ended up stranded in the middle of some random street. A broken street lamp being the only source of light we had. "I swear it's this way." Sapnap pointed in the direction we just came from, a dark street filled with nothing but houses. "It literally isn't, we've walked through here like 5 times." George whispered.

I told him we didn't need to whisper but he didn't care. He rambled on about waking people up if we talked too loud and I stopped listening after the first sentence.

"It's literally over there." I pointed to our right, the only thing Sap and George agreed on ignoring. I knew I was right but I still followed the idiots until George's teeth started chattering and Sapnap whined in defeat.

"Let's just go Dream's stupid way." Sapnap grumbled, following me slowly. George followed me closely, shivering and wrapping his arms tightly around his stomach. I mentally scolded myself for forgetting to offer him a hoodie before we left, and then also forgetting a hoodie for myself.

I placed an arm over his shoulder and pulled him closer to my side. He tensed, looking up at me with wide and confused eyes. "Trying to warm you up." I explained. He nodded. "Oh, thanks." He whispered, pushing himself closer to me. His arms were cold and his shirt was even colder, it couldn't have been keeping him that warm.

"Where is it?" Sapnap asked. He squinted slightly, stretching his neck to try and see further ahead. "It's there, Sap. Calm down." Sapnap groans and stands straight. "I'm cold." George complains. He pushes himself further into my side. "Where's the sun gone?" He whines. "It's 11pm, dumbass, it's in England." Sapnap turns towards the now silent brunette.

"You think we get sun in the UK?" He scoffs. "We'd be lucky to have no rain, never mind a sunny day." Sapnap hums. "Then it's in Canada, I don't know." My jaw drops and I stare at the raven haired teen. "Please, tell me you dropped Geography." Sapnap turns to me with a confused frown. "No, I took it."

"Oh, God." I whispered, turning my head to try and process the whole conversation. I dropped my head slightly, leaving my chin and nose resting gently in George's hair. I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment. He thinks Canada is near England. Sapnap thinks that Canada is near England.

"It's there!" George calls out. He throws his arm out to point at the dimly lit playground. I lifted my head, only to see Sapnap sprinting towards the fence. He was hard to make out in the dark street but each time he ran under one of the streetlights his small little body zoomed past until he reached the darkness.

George and I got there a few minutes after Sapnap. He was hiding, obviously, and it took both George and I a few extra minutes to find the idiot. "Dream!" George called, he ducked under a slide, only to have Sapnap dash out of the other side. George followed soon after and together the two sprinted towards the swings. "Sapnap, I will drag you off of that swing!" George shouts.

"There's literally two swings?" Sapnap shouts back, sounding slightly scared. He grabs the chain of the left swing and sits down on the cold plastic so fast you'd think someone was trying to steal it from him. George follows suit with the right swing, sitting down and then laughing. "Haha, Dream." I stare at the two in disbelief.

Sapnap starts kicking the wood chips out in front of him while George starts swinging himself back and forth with his legs. "We beat you." George laughs, panting slightly. His warm breath steams in the cold air and it reminds me of smoking. That probably isn't healthy. "I literally hate swings, they make my head spin."

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