Part 15

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Sapnap coughs, rolling down his car window to release some of the smoke. I passed him the blunt, my head aching as it pressed against the headrest of the seat. "So, are you like fucking George or what?" He asks. The smoke flows out of his mouth with the words and I scoff, eyes rolling as my head leans off of the headrest. "No, asshole. I just really like him." My knees are tucked up on the empty piece of seat in front of me.

"I can tell, man. You were only supposed to say bye to the fucker, not go up in his room for 10 minutes." He smirks at me, the faint sight of smoke flowing out of his nose.

My cheeks flush at the memory of George pressed against his bedroom door, hands tangled in my hair as we kissed. "I don't know." I whine. I sink into my chair, hands covering my face. Sapnap laughs, a hand patting my back. "I don't care, dude. Just don't get hurt, okay?" I look at him and nod with a grateful smile. Sapnap puts the blunt out on the ashtray kept in his car before sighing. "I just saw your mom go inside, you might wanna go before she calls." We bid farewell and I got out of the car.

Sapnap leaves, waving to me with one hand as I smile back. My phone buzzes with life, the charger kept in Sap's car giving it only a few moments of battery but something is better than nothing, right? I pull my phone out and make my way back to the house. 'Btw I'll beat George's ass if he hurts u <3'. I scoff at the stupid message from Sapnap and tuck my phone back into my pocket, my hand reaching out to open the front door.

"Clay?" My mom calls. I ignore and beeline up the stairs and into my room, pushing my back against the door to close it. I collapse, my legs caving in on themselves as Patches moves out from under my desk. She sniffs the air before slowly walking over, taking pauses between each step. I pull out my phone, opening George's contact.

'U alright?' I send, expecting him to respond instantly like always. He doesn't and I frown, opening Sap's contacts instead. 'I think he's sleeping', he probably isn't, he's probably eating or doing something else. He doesn't have to respond to me just yet, it's okay.

He doesn't respond for a while. And when I say a while, I mean two days. His reply is short and simple. A quick, 'ye' lighting up my screen in the middle of the night. I open the messages, writing out some stupid message to (hopefully) cheer up the seemingly upset brunette. 'I miss seeing ur pretty face'. He leaves me on read, the small typing animation not appearing once.

My heart drops, every possible mistake that could've taken place flooding into my mind and drowning my thoughts. He answers. 'Okay, Karl asked for ur number, can I give it to him?' I frown at the response, missing his normal flirty replies. Was he just messing around with everything before?

'Yh sure :)', he reads the message before typing out a quick, 'thx'.

'Are you sure youre okay?' I ask. He doesn't answer for a few minutes. I watch as the 'delivered' turns into 'read' and then he starts typing. 'Yeah im good'. I pause. 'Ok'.

Is he actually not interested?

The next few days are the same. George refused to talk to me, and every time he did it was just short answers like, 'yh' or 'okay'. Not once did he ask to hang out, or call, or if he'd see me soon. I felt like shit.

I stopped answering my messages from Karl and Sapnap. I stopped even acknowledging my parents anymore and I just did whatever I could to distract myself.

My room started to clutter, empty bottles and burnt out joints filling the empty spaces. Patches refused to leave my bed, having every inch of the floor covered in some sort of dirt. My mom demanded I clean, yelling the world of slurs at me until I had enough and called her a 'disgusting excuse for a human'. She cried and my dad was furious, locking my room until the next day for food.

"You haven't been like this for months. What happened to you?" I ignore the stupid question and grab my bowl before hiding back in my room, messages from my friends flooding my phone screen. I decide to answer Sapnap to ask him if he wants to go out, find a party somewhere and pass out in their yard.

'Tf dude? Youve been gone for days and now u just come back to ask me if I want to go out and party?'. I cough, typing out my response. 'Yeah, u down or nah?' I ask.

Normally, Sap would jump at the idea of a party, any excuse for the boy to get high was welcomed. Sapnap sends a middle finger back. 'Idk what's up with u but sort your shit out man. You're starting to act like your old self', the message sends a lump travelling down my throat. I swallow, trying to remove it, only to have it get bigger and block my throat. I struggle to breath, my phone shaking in my hand.

I throw it to the end of my bed, scaring Patches and turning the screen black in the process. What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't need George. I don't need his company, or his stupid calls. I don't need his hugs, or his hand in mine. I don't need him, I never have.

My phone dings at the end of my bed, my phone screen lighting up and revealing a picture of Sapnap and I pulling stupid faces at the camera. I grab the phone and check the notification.

1 unread message from 'Twig arms <3'.

'Meet me at the back of the church on Sunday?'

My heart rate increases, the lump starting to fill my throat again. I stare at the message, almost as if it wasn't real. And maybe it isn't. Maybe this is my mind trying to play some sort of sick prank on me. Another message pops through. A simple, 'hello?'.

'Why?', my hands shake, thoughts wandering and telling me to just ignore him. But I can't. I can't bring myself to ignore his messages, or leave him on read just like he had done to me so many times before.

He begs for me to go, multiple pleas following his simple request. I finally cave, agreeing to meet him at the back of the church. He thanks me, saying he just needed to explain everything to me. He finishes the conversation with a heart. A singular emoji that somehow manages to make my stomach flip and cheeks warm. I sigh in disappointment, the message burned into the back of my mind.

Is this going to be the end of us?

Or just the beginning?

WC: 1177

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