N, O, NO!

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Amy brought them to their own seats.
As they were passing by everyone, Rouge's eyes were caught by a familar red echinda.
"May I be seated next to him, Amy?"
Rouge questioned.
"Umm, sure why not?"
"Thanks sugarplum," Rouge replied, as she tilted Knuckle's chin up so she could get a good look at his face while he was asleep.
"How cute.." Rouge mumbled.
Shadow watched as she sat down on the seat next to him, resting her white head on his red shoulder.
"Now I know why you wanted to go so badly. You wanted to spend time with your crush, that knuckle head!" Shadow exclaimed, he wasn't jealous, just mad that Rouge used this opportunity to spend the event with her crush, while they could be taking a break from GUN.
"Haha, sucker," Rouge loudly whispered as she flipped him off from behind. Shadow rolled his eyes.
Amy looked around for two seats for them, and found two vacant seats infront of where she and Cream sat.
"Sit infront of us!"
Omega obeyed, he sat next to the window, infront of Cream as she slept next to the window.
Amy plopped a couple pillows behind Cream's back so she didn't wake up with pain. Shadow watched as she did so.
She noticed him watching, but she didn't want to be rude.
After she was done, they made eye contact,
"You have something on your face," Shadow whispered, as he took his seat infront of Amy. He was lying, of course, he didn't want her to know that he was watching her.
"Hmph," Amy replied, she paid no mind to his words.
After a while, it was silent, everyone drifted into their sleep.
Sonic yelled.
The train had stopped, they had arrived at Kingdom of Acorn.
"Ugghh, Mommy five more minutes please,"
Amy whined.
Giggling came from Tails, Cream, Knuckles, and Rouge.
Sonic yelled, as he opened the curtains that blocked the sun out from her eyes.
Amy groaned, the light hitting her eyes as she awoke. She sat up in her seat.
"What do you want Sonic?"
She asked, while yawning and stretching in her seat.
She looked up to realized everyone was crowding around her and Cream.
"Why is Team Dark here, Amy?"
Sonic asked.
He pulled her by the collar of her dress, up off of her seat to talk to her aside.
"Oh, Rouge said her watch went off, so they came to find out what had happened, and I told them we're doing the Sonic Events, so they said that they'd join us! Isn't that good? You'll get an even better chance to win now!"
Amy cheerfully said, as her tail wagged.
Sonic had his hand wrapped around her entire wrist.
"I don't want that faker to help us," Sonic remarked, as he glared at Shadow.
"What makes you think I want to help you, Faker?"
Shadow asked, stepping into their conversation.
"I'm only doing this for Rouge and Omega, if you have a problem with it, fight me."
Sonic said, glaring at Shadow, his hands turning into fists.
He let go of Amy's wrist.
Amy looked up at the two of them, hoping they wouldn't fight.
Shadow's lips turned into a smirk as his arms slowly crossed.
"No," Sonic began, shaking his head. "I won't fight you, if you want to partake in this event, then by all means, partake in it, then we'll fight. I don't need your team to help me win."
"But Sonic," Knuckles started, holding Rouge's hand.
"Think of the advantage we'd have with them on our side, you'd be more sure to win now!"
"No. I'd rather have you all as my teams, I know you wouldn't cheat and lie like a certain faker and treasure-hunter we know."
Sonic said, glaring at Shadow.
Shadow glared back at him, his hands placed on his sides.
Omega sadly looked down at Amy, along with Rouge.
"Fine," Rouge started. She looked down in sadness.
Shadow noticed this, and his anger towards Sonic grew.
She let go of Knuckles hand.
His face turning red, of embarrassment from Sonic.
"Goodluck to all, you're going to need it." Rouge taunted,
"See you at the start!"
She declared, and winked at Amy. Rouge gave Knuckles a quick blow-kiss from her palm. He returned it back to her.
Amy winked back at her pretty friend.
"C'mon boys,"
Rouge playfully said as she flew out of the train,
Omega following her.
Sonic glared at Shadow,
"Just you wait Sonic, infact, all of you!" He declared, looking at everyone.
Shadow then looked down at Amy.
Cherry-lipstick red eyes presssuring soft, sparkly green emeralds, except
her eyes filled with fear.
'Her eyes had that same look Maria's did,' he thought.
Shadow's gaze softened as he looked at Amy.
Amy noticed this, and she suddenly stopped feeling scared. Shadow and her never got along, but seeing someone she doesn't quite know angry made her scared.
He shook his head, looking away from her, and spindashed out of the train.
Sonic and everyone else stood, looking down.
"Don't worry about them guys, we can do this," Sonic said, his attempt to cheering them up.
Vector smiled at his teammates, causing everyone else to get good spririts.
As they all pulled their luggage from the train, Amy stood, mumbling to herself
"See you at the start."

(Art from https://pin.it/2CCyxNC)

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