Hotel Drama

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Amy, Cream, and Blaze stood in their room.
"It's so pretty," Cream said.
'It truly is beautiful' Amy thought in her head.
The hotel Sally had chosen for Sonic's teams was beautiful.
It was modern, but it still had that old-age kingdom vintage aesthetic.
Basically it was a white hotel room, with fancy decor.
Each bed had their exact aesthetics, Blaze and her satin covered purple bed, Cream and her white bed, which was filled with Chao plushies, and Amy's was a pretty fluffy pink bed, with a giant white tulip shaped flower pillow.
Every team got their own hotels inside Kingdom of Acorn.
Knock Knock
Suddenly, out of nowhere there was a knock.
"Come in," they all said in unison.
"Hello girls!"
Amy could recognize that voice anywhere. "Rouge! Hey, I'm sorry about Sonic, you know how he feels about Shadow,"
Amy said, she was embarrassed and her ears went down.
"Don't feel sorry dear, boys are dumb, they fight over anything."
"Yeah," Blaze agreed chuckling.
"Silver has been so clingy lately," Blaze sat on her purple satin bed.
"Lucky," Rouge replied, rubbing the back of her neck while standing. "Knuckies never wants to be with me, but if I talk to another guy, he wants to beat him up,"
"Oh I feel you guys," Cream replied, as she bounced up and down on the bed with her chaos.
She stopped and sat down
"Tails has been so busy helping Sonic for the Sonic Events, we never get to spend some time together!"
Suddenly they all looked at Amy.
"What about you Rose?" Rouge questioned, as she winked at her pink friend, holding a wine glass in her hand. It was filled with water, she just wanted it to make her look fancier.
'Wait, where did she get that from?-'
"Oh, I guess I don't have anyone,"
Amy replied.
She looked down, embarrassed again
It was awkward.
She could feel it.
"I-I'm gonna go get some food from the cafeteria downstairs, I'll catch up with you girls later, okay?"
"Oh, darling we didn't mean it like tha-"
Rouge started, but it was a few seconds too late. Amy closed the door behind her, interrupting her bat friend.
'Sonic's gonna wish he never kicked us off his team,'
Shadow thought in his mind.
"Omega, check your donwload files, I've put some new information for you to look at about the Sonic Events," Shadow said to Omega as he sipped his coffee.
"Wow, that is good Shadow," Omega was too busy chowing down his breakfast, chatting would only slow him down.
Out of the corner of his eye, the pink one caught Shadow's attention.
"Look at pinky over there Omega, she looks like a lone stray puppy."
Omega looked up
"Who does, Amy Rose?" Omega suddenly stopped eating to look up at her.
"Yeah, Rose."
'I like that nickname,' Shadow thought.
Amy looked around the cafeteria in the hotel.
"Wow its beautiful," she whispered to herself.
A tall green hawk appeared infront of her, leaning on a chair.
They stood in the middle of the dining area of the cafeteria.
Shadow watched from where he sat.
'Why's she talking to that weirdo,' He thought as he rested his face on his hand.
Amy blinked a couple times, looking at the green hawk.
"Remember me? Name's Jet, Jet the hawk."
"Oh- of course I do! Jet! Hi-"
Amy was interrupted by Jet's words.
"Your titties are bigger than last time I saw you,"
Amy was in shock, she felt her ears go down without her even realizing it.
Amy couldn't believe her ears.
She could feel her cheeks getting flushed.
Without asking, Jet got way too close to Amy's face.
"If you wanna hear more dirty things, come with me, your team's not in the event till Saturday," Jet whispered into her ears.
Suddenly the group of guys he was talking to all broke out in laughter.
Amy was embarrassed, no embarrassed was an understatement.
He stopped leaning, revealing his height to her. He looked down at her face, placing his hand under her chin to make her look into his eyes, but Amy couldn't make eye contact, she held in tears.
'Be strong Amy,' She thought to herself.
Her gaze hardened as she pulled out her hammer.
'Is she about to hit him?'
Shadow thought to himself, as he watched, sipping his coffee.
'I should intervene.'
As Jet got closer, he leaned in.
"C'mon, what do you say-"
Amy's ears flicked back up. She looked at Shadow.
"If this is how you treat girls, then you disgust me,"
Shadow had teleported infront of Jet, holding Amy with his arm wrapped around her.
"I dont give a flying fuck if I disgust you or not," Jet replied, his friend group and him laughing in unison.
"Some of us are trying to enjoy their breakfast, but you had to be a perv infront of everyone this morning."
Everyone in the cafeteria watched, even the employees.
Jet's friends stopped laughing.
"Just wait till Team Dark goes against The Babylon Rogues for the Sonic Events,"
Jet replied.
"If you wanna be with the winning team Amy, I suggest you blow this guy off and come over here."
Amy stood there, grasping onto Shadow.
'This girl will be the death of me,' Shadow thought in his head.
"I'd rather let Eggman capture me than go with you," Amy said, glaring at Jet.
"Whatever," Jet stormed off,
"Let's go guys, she ain't no fun."
Shadow watched as they stormed off back to their table.
"Weirdos," he muttered to himself.
Amy looked up at his cherry eyes, as she stood holding onto him.
His eyes looking down into emeralds.
"Thank yo-"
"It's no problem, just get outta here."
Shadow forced Amy to let go of him.
She had forgotten she was holding onto him.
"I'm sorry Shadow, I just wanted to-"
"Get outta here."
'And there it was,' Shadow thought to himself.
Amy's eyes held a deeper sadness. Her sadden green eyes captivated him.
He watched her as she walked away silently going to get food from the cafeteria.
'I can't get close to her, I don't want to risk it,' Shadow thought in his mind.
'I can't fall in love with the enemy.'
"Order 11!"
The woman said as she rang the bell.
Shadow stood up along with Omega to go and get their food, but before they could go, Amy snatched it first!
To be fair, he's been rude lately.
"Is she- robbing us of our food?"
Shadow questioned angrily, he walked over to her, Omega following, and grabbed her arm.
Amy spun around by Shadow's strong force.
He didn't let her finish.
Shadow grabbed Amy and dashed upstairs into his room.
He pinned her against the wall.
"What. Was. That. For?"
Amy blushed, she saw how close they were.
"I was g-going to go give your food to Rouge,"
Amy said.
"She wanted it!"
A few seconds ago,
Rouge: Hey love, can you get me some food!
Amy: I'm sorry Rouge... I left my money at home...
'Today really sucks..'
Amy thought in her head as she types.
Rouge: Oh, no problem honey, just take Shadow's order! Tell him that I'll pay him back!
Amy: Okay, but if I dont respond back to your texts Shadow most likely killed me..
Amy was left on read as she sighed.
'Well, here goes nothing,'
Amy held the phone up for Shadow to see their texts.
He scrolled through them.
"You don't have t-to be so-so mean!"
Amy yelled, tears fell down her face, as she was hyperventilating.
'She's such a crybaby,'
Shadow thought in his head.
"Stop crying,"
Shadow demanded.
Sniff sniff
Amy sniffled, wiping her tears off.
A silence fell between them as Shadow kept his eyes on the little Rose.
She couldn't look him in his eyes.
'I can't stand the look in her eyes, I have to do something nice, Maria..'
Shadow thought.
He looked at the rosy hedgehog.
"I'll go and give the food to Rouge,"
he said, as he took the food from Amy's shaking hands.
"Stay here,"
Shadow demanded once again.
Amy silently nodded.
Shadow went to his door, opened it, and left.

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