Frustration 2, Electric Boogaloo

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I am so normal about this story and the characters and the arcs and the themes and the

(That's one of my sonas in the picture btw <3)


The first thing Hat Kid did when she woke up was check her watch.




Regret settled into the pit of her stomach. She'd lost close to five hours in her sleep. Even if she wasn't as stressed as before, she still had no idea how to deal with all the problems that faced her.

Hat Kid sat up in her bed and noticed that one of her problems had fallen asleep in her pillow pile.

She stared at the sleeping figure, not even registering who it was for a moment. Then she remembered. Oh, right. That's Snatcher, pitifully stuck in his human body because he was too stubborn to just give me my soul back. She took a moment to smirk at how he was curled up with his cape around him like a blanket.

Hattie shed her own blankets, walked over, and stood at his feet. He was fast asleep, but she couldn't let that continue.

She drew her umbrella and nudged his leg with its tip. "Snatcher..."

He shifted in his sleep but didn't wake up.

Hat Kid poked him in the side. "Snatchie~"

He murmured in his sleep, but it didn't seem like poking him was enough to wake him up. She frowned. It looked like she would need a different tactic. Reluctantly, she put away her umbrella and picked up a pillow.

And nailed him right in the face with it.

That did the trick. He shot up immediately with a pained yell. "OW-! HOW DARE YOU-!" The pillow fell and rested in his lap, and he glared around the room before his eyes settled on Hattie.

"Didya get enough beauty sleep?" she asked smugly.

Snatcher narrowed his eyes at her. For a moment, she almost regretted waking him. He looked a lot more peaceful when he was asleep. Almost.

"That hurt," he said grumpily. He shifted, struggling to get up, and Hat Kid noticed his crown in his hands.

Hat Kid rolled her eyes. "It was just a pillow. You're such a drama queen," she remarked.

He sneered at her. "King, kiddo. I am the king of Subcon."

"Suuuuure. Right now, you're the king of grumpiness."

Snatcher rolled his eyes at her (which only proved Hattie's point). Hat Kid just raised an eyebrow. He sighed, and for dramatic effect, put his crown on.

Even with the crown on, he didn't seem very royal- arguably less so. The moment the crown touched his head, Hat Kid could see Snatcher's eyes glaze over and the tension leave his body.

"Did you just pass out on me?" she asked. She picked up the pillow again and slowly took aim.

A moment before she struck, he blinked several times. His eyes cleared, and he glanced around the room. "...where am I?" he asked quietly.

"In my spaceship," Hattie answered. She was confused by the change of subject, but it made sense that he had no clue where he was.

He startled at the sound of her voice and raised his eyes to meet hers. His eyes grew wide like he was just now noticing she was there for the first time. "Oh- Hat Kid!" He stood, scrambling to his feet, almost slipping on a pillow below him. The moment he was upright again, he clasped his hands together in apology. "I'm really sorry."

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