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Kind of a slower update this week, with both the chapter and the art- a little doodle dump. Just wanted to show off the characters and struggle with drawing the flowers for the umpteenth time.

Karmin and Elliot and Hattie have that dynamic of "mom takes you shopping and spots one of her friends and they start talking for all eternity". Take a moment to picture Elliot and Karmin talking happily in a supermarket with Hattie groaning and trying to pull Elliot away.

Hope that helps. I dunno how it WOULD, but I hope it helps.



The first place they went was the Birdhouse. And oh boy- there sure were birds there.

Very mean birds. Loud birds that pecked and nipped at Hat Kid's feet and tried to push her off the side of the coops.

To add insult to injury, they liked Elliot. She caught the same birds that had been viciously attacking her trying to rub themselves along his legs and happily perch on his feet. Elliot couldn't stand still for a moment without a bird fluttering over to sit on his shoulder.

Both of them were constantly waving off birds, but for two different reasons.

"Why are these birds so dumb?!" Hattie groaned as she made a wild swipe with her umbrella to knock some birds out of her way. They squawked in outrage and made a beeline toward Elliot.

"I-I'm not sure why they're acting so oddly..." Elliot gently tried to wave the new birds away. "Shoo!"

A new bird descended from above him and landed on his outstretched arm. He sighed heavily. "I'm just sorry they're attacking you," he lamented.

"It's better than being hounded by overly friendly birds," Hattie said pointedly, watching as Elliot desperately tried to ward off the birds before the situation worsened.

"You think so? I mean, I'll admit- my situation isn't the best-" A bird landed on his head, and Elliot froze, his brow furrowing. "But... Well, honestly, I'm not sure what I'd rather have right now," he admitted.

Hat Kid smirked. Elliot's hesitation had only drawn more birds to him. "I think you're stuck now," she told him.

Elliot waved one arm, trying to fling the bird off him. It held on and gave him an annoyed look. "I... I'm sorry," he sighed. "I don't see how I'm much help."

Even if Elliot didn't see it, Hat Kid could tell he was useful. The birds were drawn to him like a magnet. As long as he stayed still and the birds were focused on him, they'd be too distracted to bother Hattie.

"Actually, just stay there," she told him. "It might not seem like much, but... you're a big help right now. You can distract the birds while I get my timepiece."

Despite the increasing crowd of birds, that brought a hopeful light to his eyes. "Oh. Well, there's that, at least."

Another bird landed on his head and pecked at his crown. Elliot cringed. "Please be quick."

She nodded, turned, and kept jumping from house to house. She made her way up to a horn and, knowing the pattern by now, blew into it.

A deep, mighty note sang from its depths. Responding to the call, a flag line unfurled out of a tree and led to the hourglass.

Hat Kid grinned once she stood straight. She shielded her eyes and looked over at the timepiece.

There was a massive baby chick right under it. She would have to climb up that thing if she wanted her timepiece. All without waking it up. Hattie cringed.

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