Welcome to Alpine

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Also, huge thanks to my beta reader!! Here's to many more chapters without stupid authorly mistakes


Colors blurred by Hat Kid as spires of rock rushed past them. They moved past massive statues of goats, tall flagpoles, and distant land masses shrouded in fog. They were rapidly approaching a towering spire populated with cottages and curtains of ivy.

They slowed as they approached. Hat Kid sighed as they slid to a neat stop at the end of the flagpole. She let go with the Hookshot and landed on her feet on the ground.

Snatcher, however, collapsed. Hattie let go of him, and he crumbled to the ground, rolling so his stomach faced the sky. He was panting and trembling, his bright yellow eyes wide with terror.

Hat Kid looked over, unsure whether to feel sorry for him or start laughing. In the end, she did neither. She strode over, pulled the crown out of his hands, and set it on his head, finally winning their battle.

Snatcher's eyes dulled. The tension left his body, and his shivering slowly subsided.

Hat Kid gazed around the place while he recovered, trying to scan out where any potential timepieces might be. Her hat wasn't detecting anything yet... perhaps they were scattered farther than she would've liked. It looked like a big area, after all.

They were standing in the main square of a village. Several houses were built into the sides of the cliff, with roofs of overgrown vines and grass. Civilians bustled about- tiny hooded creatures weaving in and out between massive goats. Cobblestone paths wound around the area, leading to different flagpoles, huge blowing horns, and telescopes.

The place was lovely and scenic but so bright compared to Subcon. Once her eyes adjusted to the sunshine, she decided it was a nice change of pace. Finally, she was out of that gloomy forest...

She looked over again as Elliot sat up, gingerly rubbing his head. "How did we get here?" he wondered. "Did I pass out...?" He touched a hand to his chest. "My heart's racing."

"Must be the altitude," Hat Kid commented with a shrug. Not like she was ever going to tell him the truth. It would just be a waste of time; he wouldn't understand.

"That's probably it." He gave her a grateful smile and stood, dusting himself off. He looked around the area, eyes wide. "Woah... this is Alpine? It's lovely."

Hat Kid was about to agree, but someone else did it for her. "Yup! Welcome to Alpine!"

Both of them spun around. Hattie defensively pulled her umbrella and swung, almost hitting a woman in the face. She managed to lean away just in time, an alarmed look on her face. "WOW, okay." The woman raised her hands in apology. "I was just trying to say hello. I was not expecting such a..." She glanced at Hat Kid, who held her umbrella steady like a sword. "...creative use of a parasol."

Hat Kid stayed silent and sized up her foe. Besides Mustache Girl (and Elliot, she supposed), this was the only human on the planet she'd seen. The woman had long blond hair that fluttered gracefully in the wind, a loose blue hoodie, and a flowing purple skirt that matched her eyes. She had vivid blue markings tracing down from her eyes, reminding Hattie of lightning bolts. The woman wore a large purple flower tucked behind one ear.

That was what a sinister person looked like, right? Hat Kid couldn't be too careful. Traitors came in all shapes and sizes. She'd learned her lesson from this planet.

"Hat Kid...?" Both girls glanced over at Elliot as he sidled over. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but could you please lower the umbrella? I'm sure she was only being friendly."

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