Pros and Cons

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This is the part I wanted to write for a while, but the chapter came written at a time where I lost all confidence in my writing.

Oh well. We stay silly :3

Thank you to my beta reader!!


The moment Hat Kid's feet hit solid earth, and she saw the state of the planet around her, her jaw dropped.

She was standing on a jagged, rocky platform. Surrounding it was lava as far as the eye could see. Everyone she had met on the planet was gathered there; mafia men, crows, owls, cats, and even some unique faces like the Conductor or Goofy Mafia.

All paths on the island led to a towering, intimidating castle adorned with gold. It wasn't hard to tell who was responsible for all of this; a gilded mustache stood as the centerpiece of the castle, flanked by two statues of Mu.

"Holy peck," Hat Kid whispered, pulling on her hat in frustration. "Holy peck."

This was bad. It was worse than bad! It was disastrous! What was Mu thinking?! Wasn't this all a bit too much? It seemed pretty extra to Hattie. What was with all the lava and statues? What point was she trying to make?!

Hat Kid groaned, her shoulders sinking as she pulled her watch out. And this was all going to be a big waste of time! She didn't want to have to stand around in a lava gauntlet! Her time was wasting away by the second!




What...? Hat Kid frowned and shook her watch. The hands remained stationary. Was her watch broken? Why wasn't it counting down?

The overwhelming, throbbing heat of lava and time magic around her reminded her. That's right. Hattie's eyes widened. The countdown stops in time rifts. Even if where she was now wasn't a rift, the entire planet was humming with temporal magic.

Again, she checked her watch just to make sure she wasn't dreaming. It was still a blissful 1:23:02:23.

She let out a massive sigh of relief as she tucked her watch back into her pocket. It wasn't a big time drain after all. At least the world being turned into a massive fireball thanks to messing up time stopped her timer. Thanks for that, Mu, Hat Kid thought, but her sarcasm lost its bite with the weight lifted from her shoulders.

Hat Kid whirled around to Snatcher to tell him the good news and frowned when she saw him face-down on the ground. "You okay?" she asked, crouching next to him.

 "You okay?" she asked, crouching next to him

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Snatcher responded with a muffled groan. His crown had rolled off his wrist and was on the ground just next to his head. He looked and sounded absolutely miserable.

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