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TW: Mention of abuse

Okay everyone! Wave bye-bye to the fluff now. It's time we moved the plot forward.

Thank you to my beta reader!


"Okay, so let me get this straight," Snatcher started, hands folded. He'd listened to Hat Kid's entire explanation with a look of concern that fluctuated with every new bit of information. "Not only did traumatizing me and Elliot not work, but Vanessa can mind control people?"

Hat Kid nodded, kneading her pillow. "Yup."

"And of course she would control me- ugh!" Snatcher rolled his eyes. "I mean. Elliot. Of course she'd control him."


Snatcher lifted an eyebrow. "And you saved him by... I dunno, talking to him?"

"I guess it just took a bit of persuasion to help him snap out of it," Hat Kid answered. "That plus the blinding and the self-defense."

"Right..." Snatcher sounded skeptical as he rubbed the spot on his leg where Hattie had kicked Elliot. "Wow, kiddo, that left a mark."

Hat Kid lifted her nose in the air. "It was justified! He was trying to drag me to his murder girlfriend so she could murder me!"

"I get that! But ow." Snatcher huffed. "I never thought Elliot had it in him to want to murder someone. I'd almost be proud if the circumstances were different."

"I guess you change your mind about murder when your ex magically influences you."

Snatcher fell quiet, lowering his gaze. "And did she...?" he trailed off, voice quiet. Hat Kid's grip loosened on the pillow. It was natural for Elliot to sound anxious, but it was a rarity with Snatcher. Yet here he was, averting his eyes nervously, hands wringing together, making Hattie skeptical of whether his crown was actually off. But no, there it was, around his wrist. "Did she... hit me? At all?"

"Yeah," Hat Kid answered, just as quietly.

A flash of fear crossed his face, but it quickly turned back into a scowl. "Of course," he muttered again. Snatcher folded his arms and leaned back into the pillows, closing his eyes. A troubled grumble inadvertently escaped him.

Hat Kid sat on her bed awkwardly. Was she supposed to say something? Was he waiting for her to do anything to continue the conversation? His emotional turmoil was only wasting time. She could practically feel the seconds slipping away from her. Or maybe she was being dramatic.

"I-" she started.

As if reminded she was there, Snatcher's eyes shot open again. "You said that it would work," he interrupted.

"I never said that," Hat Kid retorted. She frowned at him. "I never made that promise to you. I was never even sure that it would work." Before Snatcher could reply, she tried to spin it into something positive. "But hey. Now we know. And we could come up with something different-"

"Why would you even try something you're not sure about?" Snatcher argued, sitting up. "Especially when it involves going back to that place?"

"Because it could work!" Hat Kid shot back. "But it didn't! And I get it, we're both off worse! But you-" Hattie pointed a finger at him. "You didn't even get to experience it! You chickened out and threw Elliot into the situation, and he suffered because of you!"

"Vanessa would've cursed me if I hadn't done that!" Snatcher stood, his fists clenched. "Would you have liked that better?"

Hat Kid shrugged, staring daggers into him. "Maybe! At least I'm used to you hurting me!"

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