Ch 15

137 7 11

Patrick's pov:

"Yeah, I definitely should've done that instead."  I thought to myself.

Not much happened after being locked in my cage.  I had fallen asleep for a bit, but I had woken up not too long ago.  Just like before, I was trapped inside a prison with nothing to do.  No book, no games, nothing fun at all.  Of course, even if I did have access to anything like that, doing it would risk exposing my intelligence.  In the end, I decided to kill time by thinking about my mistakes and how I could've prevented them.  Everyone has those, and I had enough to keep me occupied for a while. 

So far, I was still the only one in the room, consciously speaking.  All the cages surrounding me contained the strange balls, which I had already deducted were eggs.  It was disconcerting knowing that within every single one of them was, or used to be, a human being.  All of them lay motionless, showing no signs of movement or life.  I assume that they would hatch at some point, but so far, none of them showed any signs of being ready to come out.

I stopped thinking about them and glanced at a bowl of assorted fruit and water.  The two dishes had been carefully placed inside here by a scientist earlier.  It was because of that man I had woken up from my nap.  But even though I woke up, I decided to pretend to still be asleep to see what happened.  When he opened the cage door, I really wanted to pounce the man and whoop his ass.  Trust me, nothing would make me feel happier than to get back at the people who placed me here.

In the end, I just left him be and waited for him to finish up.  Once he left the room, I acted as if I had just woken up and ate some of the food.

When I tasted the fruit, I was shocked as it was really good.  Each piece of fruit was perfectly prepared and tasted like it was just picked off the plant it grew on.  It was a shame they didn't have any red apple slices, I preferred those sweet ones over the sour green ones.  The water was...well...just water.

Feeling hungry again, I got up from the floor and walked over to the bowl.  Without looking at the choices, I grabbed a handful of food and began eating what I got.  I considered myself lucky that I was getting fruit for my meals.  I couldn't imagine what I would do if I got dog food or some other crap meant for pets. 


My attention was taken away as the doors to the room opened up.  A scientist walked inside along with two guards, one armed with a weapon and one with a strange small metal rod.  My little outburst earlier clearly showed them I was to be handled with caution. 

The scientist walked over to a nearby cart as the guards approached my cage.  The one with the rod got very close while the other guard kept their distance.  He pressed something on the rod, causing the pointy tip of it to produce a quiet buzzing sound.  It didn't take many brain cells to know that touching the tip now was a no-no.

I watched as the one possessing the rod grabbed the handle of my cage.  He held the rod in his other hand firmly, ready to thrust it forward at a moment's notice.  Once the scientist brought the cart over, he quickly lifted my enclosure off the table and onto the cart.  The scientist then turned the cart around before pushing it out of the room and down the hall.

Like the shiniest diamond in a jewelry shop, I caught the attention of everyone we passed by.  They would stop whatever they were doing and just stare at me with varied looks on their faces.  I didn't let it show, but all the attention was stressing me out.  Their cold stares combined with the strained squeaks from the moving cart steadily fueled my anxiety.  It was like watching a horror movie, but at midnight and being all alone. 

The cart ride continued until we stopped in front of a door.  There was nothing unique about it, just another door like the others we'd passed by.  The scientist released his grip on the cart and approached the door.  He slid his keycard through the slot, resulting in a dinging noise accompanied by a green light.  The door opened and the scientist continued forward with the cart in tow. 

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