Ch 23

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"Okay, let's see how this works." I mumbled to myself as I gazed at the gun.

Not long after I began my walk following my successful attack, I just realized I hadn't reloaded the weapon yet. The magazine attached to the gun was currently empty, which could be proven by pulling the trigger and hearing the clicking sound. If I came across someone at the current moment, I would have literally no opportunity to reload the weapon. Because of this, I decided to take a short break to figure out how to remove the empty magazine and insert the full clip into the gun.

Of course, it was easier said than done since it wasn't like a simple button press would automatically reload the gun for me.

"So if I'm correct, there should be either a switch or a button that releases the current clip." I spoke aloud to myself. My eyes scanned the weapon, searching for whatever it was that would release the current empty magazine. I might be able to rip it out if I were to try, but some common sense was enough to tell me that if I were to succeed at that, I'd end up breaking the weapon.

Lady Luck chose to shine some light on me as I quickly found a button on the firearms right side. It blended in with the color of the weapon, which I think was stupid. I pressed it, resulting in the magazine being ejected and falling to the ground. I picked it up and looked inside to confirm it was truly empty. I yeeted the empty clip in a random direction, not caring about where it landed due to its uselessness. I then grabbed the full one and inserted it where the empty one was seconds ago, the new magazine locking in with a click.

"Aha! Got it!" I cheered as I raised the weapon up in the air proudly. It's not everyday that you manage to figure out how to reload a weapon successfully. It might be a minor achievement, but an achievement nonetheless.

After my brief celebration, there was no other reason for me to stay here. I chose a random direction, and not the one I came from, before continuing my solo expedition.

So far my walk through the woods was fairly nice and peaceful. I had yet to encounter or hear anyone else, not that I minded the beautiful scenery in the meantime. I was still surrounded by trees and the night sky above me dotted with stars. Even though I was aware that this entire place was a forest within the base and that I was still trapped, I couldn't help but find it all pretty.

With the gun actually loaded, my imagination began to take a slight hold of my mind. Without stopping, I pretended that a bunch of guys tried to get the jump on me from either my sides or behind. Obviously, being the protagonist in my imagination, I swiftly aimed my weapon at the targets and took them out with imaginary bullets.

"Pew! Pew pew!" I thought as I visualized a large barrage of bullets shooting out from my weapon. The imaginary targets fell down with ease, my accuracy being on point with every shot. Upon impact, the men grunted in pain and fell back, disappearing out of existence. They tried firing back at me, but just like all movie villains, their shots always missed me.

Eventually all the fictional men were taken out, and a wave of proudness washed over me. "Ha! Take that you stoopid idiots!" I boasted cockily.

As exciting as it would be to imagine myself taking down another wave of fake targets with ease, I returned my focus to my current real life situation. I was still in a dangerous place and I needed to be alert and prepared to fight. I should consider myself lucky that the people hunting me hadn't found me while I was goofing off. That would be a very awkward and embarrassing way to get caught.

Just as I was about to go back to being alert, a question popped into my head, one that I honestly hadn't really thought of up till now.

"How the hell did things end up this way?"

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