Ch 18

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Alex's pov:

" yeah, the next day we meet, she's still obsessing over her bloody fucking nails! Like, I might not completely understand the reason that women are so sensitive about looks and stuff, but I swear mate she was whinier than a 4 year old child!" The blue dragonet complained in a British accent.

"Wait, what happened to her nail again?" I queried curiously. "I'm just a little lost in your story and I forgot the minor detail."

"She chipped it after trippin on a bench." He replied bluntly. "Wasn't lookin where she was going since she was focused on her phone."

"Ah. I guess that makes sense." I replied as I continued listening to the individual rant.

Not much happened following my return from the daily checkup. I took a little nap, which was pretty nice. The floor of my cage wasn't entirely the ideal location to rest, but it's not like I could be provided anything better. It would've been even nicer if I hadn't been woken up by the sounds of two dragonets arguing over whether the xbox or ps5 was superior.

After waking up, I found myself wondering what to do in the meantime. With the exception of when the scientists took us out, we were all confined in our cages with nothing to pass the time. Trust me when I say that counting the number of pieces of fruit in my bowl was not very fun and got boring quickly. With no better idea, I went and asked my friend Issac what we could do around here.

While he suggested a few options, one of the interesting ones was to converse with some of the others here. There were at least more than a hundred dragonets here, each with their own life story. He told me a few of them weren't very social, but there were many that would be willing to chat to pass the time.

That's how I ended up listening to this guy talking about his ex.

"Honestly mate, I might be trapped within this hellish place, but at least I'm certain she's the last person that'll end up here!" The dragonet continued on, almost sounding a little happy about his statement.

"I guess that sounds like a good thing." I responded before realizing something. "Say, I don't think I got your name yet."

"What? Oh shoot, yeah that's right." He said. "The name's Oliver."

"Well it's nice to meet you Oliver." I replied.

"Same to you." Oliver spoke. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have me a nice little nap." He then laid down on the cage floor and closed his eyes.

Seeing as he was currently resting, I decided to look around and see who else might be up to strike a conversation. A multitude of dragonets were awake and appeared to be chatting with each other via the mindlink. I still found the new way we communicate strange, but it did have some minor perks such as being able to mute specific individuals.

So far, besides the guy I previously chatted with, I had talked with two others named George and Cassandra. The both of them were in college, or at least used to be before being taken. They were pretty nice and we had quite a bit to talk about. We could all relate to the stress and struggle when it came to studying for finals.

While I could chat with them again, I was currently focused on finding new individuals to talk to.

I scanned the room, searching for someone who might be willing to chat. There were still a lot of people (or dragonets at this point) I had yet to meet, and seeing as we would all be stuck here for a while, I felt no need to rush through. Most of them appeared to already be in the middle of a conversation with others, and I believed that it would be rude to just barge in.

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