Ch 16

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There are some things I can't stand in life.  I have patience for a multitude of situations, but some prove to be too much.  Things such as losing in a video game due to lag or cheating, sitting next to an annoying person who won't shut up, or even having to eat repulsive, nasty, disgusting, filthy ass fish at the dinner table.  No matter how hard I try, attempting to tolerate these circumstances will likely fail.  But thanks to the old bastard, I just added another thing to my list.

Training.  He was attempting to train me.

It only took that one word he previously said to understand what he was doing.  In their eyes, I was just a small stubborn creature that they were trying to control.  Little did they know I still had my human brain and was completely against such a thing.  I would never allow myself to be controlled and ordered around in such a manner! least I would feel that way if it weren't for the electric zapper they placed on me.

I could still feel the blasted thing wrapped around my neck.  It was tight, uncomfortable, and pretty much embarrassing to have on.  With the remote in their hands, they could shock me to their pleasure.  It made doing any sort of harm to them impossible without getting punished.  Taking the collar off wouldn't work either as I've learned what happens when that is attempted. 

'Tap tap tap!'

A tapping sound snapped me from my thoughts.  I turned and found the old man looking even more impatient compared to earlier.  He had given the command a little bit ago, and I haven't done anything yet. 

At this point, the smartest choice to make was to be cooperative and follow whatever commands they had for me. 

Did I really love the idea of me obeying orders like that?  Hell no!  The zappy collar was bad enough, but being expected to follow their bidding was even worse.  Who knows what types of things these psychopaths have planned for me.  I might not be human anymore, but I should still have access to my rights. 

But as much as I wanted to oppose them, I've already learned that resisting was fruitless.  These people were clearly not the ones I wanted to screw around with.  They had weapons and other deadly stuff while I only had my two fists.  Sure they couldn't kill me, but that didn't mean I was protected from being tortured.  I already got a firsthand taste of what they would do earlier, and I didn't want to go through that again.

With no other option, I went and...obeyed his order.

After taking a moment to prepare myself, I calmly approached the old man.  I didn't do anything strange or abnormal, I simply walked forward.  The man stopped tapping the table as I began doing what he wanted.  He still held the device in his other hand, allowing him to zap me whenever he pleased.  The guards remained on alert, uncertain of if I would try and strike him or them down. 

Once I reached the area in front of him, I stopped and waited for his next command.  Just thinking about what I was doing made me want to sick into my mouth.  My mind continuously protested against the choice I was making, but I didn't let my internal conflict show to my audience.

Sometimes the best choice was the one most despised by a person.

"Come."  The old man gave his next order while tapping on the weighted scale.  A light ringing sound echoed from where his finger hit the metal platform. 

I didn't immediately respond to his request, making it appear as if I was attempting to think.  If I went and did whatever they wanted instantly, it could make them suspicious of me.  My goal is to make them think I could learn stuff, nothing more than that.  An exception might be made if they presented me with my 3ds, but they didn't need to know that. 

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