Ch 20

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Patrick's pov:

"Wait, so you actually hit the guy in the face?" Amelia asked curiously.

"Yep!" I said proudly with a grin. "You should've seen the look on his face when I jumped up in the air and socked him real hard!"

Following the weird and awkward introduction with Amelia, we eventually began conversing with each other. She still had more questions about the current situation, her mind seeking answers to the questions in her head. Since I clearly wasn't going to be leaving or doing anything else anytime soon, I saw no reason to try and answer what she wanted to know to the best of my ability. It was a little nice to actually chat with someone after being alone for a while.

"So after I punched the guy, I managed to escape the room by hitting the glass with my fist." I began punching the air, demonstrating the power of my fist. "I was actually surprised that I actually broke through the glass. It honestly didn't hurt at all, nor did I really think about how stupid I'd look if it didn't break."

Amelia took a moment and looked down at her hands, clearly different from how she remembered them. "Are we really that strong?" She asked.

"As far as I'm aware of it, yes." I said. "We may be small, but we sure pack a hell of a punch!"

"But anyways, after escaping the lab, I tried to search for an exit. In spite of my fast speed, I didn't really know the layout of this place, which really did nothing to help me break out. I managed to find an elevator and knocked out a few more guards. Unfortunately, by the time the elevator came, I found myself cornered and trapped by their strong security, and I could do nothing as they recontained me here." I said, summarizing my attempted escape plan which was far from a plan to begin with.

Hearing that part of my story, she sighed. "So in other words, there really isn't a way to escape this place?"

""Well, I probably wouldn't entirely say that it's impossible." I responded. "There might, and I'm putting heavy emphasis on the word might, be a way to escape if the right conditions are met. However, I haven't really tried to escape this place after my first attempt since I realized a few things."

"Why? Was it because of the collar on your neck?" She pointed at the accessory wrapped around my neck.

"No, but..." I began but paused as I perceived something. "Actually, the collar would definitely prove to be a problem. I don't know if there is a perimeter field or something around this place, but their ability to remotely trigger it would be troublesome to any escape plan."

"But the other thing I realized was that I still don't know the setup of this place. I don't know where anything is or where the exit is located. I could try and make a break for it again, but not only would I predictably be cornered or trapped again, they'd probably make it even harder than it is now."

I paused for a moment to eat a piece of fruit before continuing. "And let's say that, in the hypothetical chance that you or I somehow got out of here, neither of us knows where this place even is. I learned that this was a secret government base of some sorts, and that could mean that this place could be anywhere. It could be deep underwater, it could be somewhere underground, heck, maybe it could even be somewhere in the North Pole."

"B-but then what are we going to do?!" She shouted in an angry and worried tone. "Are we just supposed to let them control us and do what they want with us!?"

"Actually, that isn't too far from the plan I have in mind." I responded as I grabbed another piece of fruit.

Amelia just stared at me blankly for a moment before responding. "Wait, what do you mean by that?"

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