33. drunk in love

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Stumbling almost blindly into the restroom Kataya shuts the large white wooden door and presses the lock, jiggling the handle to make sure it's secure

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Stumbling almost blindly into the restroom Kataya shuts the large white wooden door and presses the lock, jiggling the handle to make sure it's secure.

"Safety first!" She slurs, followed by a giggle. One too many shots with Yaya along with her chaser drink of choice, Red Bull had her drunker than she anticipated on being. Her platform boots were deceiving her as she walked further into the luxurious restroom, continuing to stumble along. "Oh... this is niceeeee." She laughs again as she finally finds the toilet seat. She plops down and pulls down her white lace underwear to relieve herself. She hums along to the music blaring on the opposite side of the door. Feeling bored rather quickly she pulls out her phone and scrolls her social media that she'd been more active on since her breakup with Saint.

Scrolling gets boring rather quickly and she switches over to her finsta to get a look at Saints Instagram story without him knowing. She clicks the rainbow circle and taps the screen, skipping the photos of him and Halo that she had already seen.

"Not out with friends?" She says softly to herself before closing the app. Once her hands are dry she steps out of the restroom where a short line had started to form.

"Finally." a shorter brown skinned woman says as her and Katayas eyes meet. Due to her current inebriated state she smiles at the woman and shrugs before walking back down the long wall back into the living room area. Yaya and Malik were busy pouring shots on the coffee table to hand out to each person in their home. The medium sized home was packed with people the couple considered to be close friends. Kataya had met a few but not many, either way she was having a good time as long as the drinks were still flowing.

"KAT!" Yaya shouts once her eyes land on her cousin. "Two more for you."

Kataya only nods and takes the small mason jar shaped shot glasses from Yaya. She tosses them back in unison with Yaya and grabs a new Redbull to crack open, since she couldn't for the life of her remember where she placed her last one.

"I think you two need to slow it down." Malik says as he steps closely to Yaya and Kataya. The music was blasting loudly through the speakers that were placed on the walls of their home. "I ain't in no shape to be driving you home Kataya."

"I-I'll be fine."

"You not driving nowhere bitch. She can stay here tonight, I mean I do have three guest bedrooms." Yaya gloats.

"See... I'll just stay in one of those." Kataya smiles a smug smile at Malik. She wasn't a huge fan of him since she had been around since he and Yaya were in the baby stages of their relationship. Although he had come a long way, Kataya would never forget what he had put Yaya through when they first started dating.

"I mean that's cool. Since we family and all... I just thought you would be calling ya man to come get you as drunk as you are. I know Yaya loves to be next to me when she's drunk as hell." He laughs but both Yaya and Kataya stand with a straight face.

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