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The steam from the hot tea wafted up to the ceiling.

"Captain?" A young boy, Eren Yeager, spoke from the other side of the table.

"What is it?" I responded dryly, my eyes gazing into the cup as I picked it up and took a sip. He shifted in his seat.

"Hange just brought up a name-" He said, and Hange, who sat beside him, quickly hit him in the arm. "Hey! Don't go telling him everything I say!" She hissed, nervously looking over at Levi.

Eren rubbed his arm, clearly confused at Hange's reaction.

I raised a brow. "What name?"

Hange looked down, avoiding my gaze.


"Y/n L/n, sir," Eren answered. "Hange says that she was an exceptional soldier."

I put my tea down, eyes remaining on the surface of the cup. "... She was."

"Hange also said she had strange dreams that came true," That part made my skin prick with unease. "Do you think that could be related to my titan powers in some way? I mean- Maybe it means something."

Hange looked over at me now, looking just as curious as he did.

I took a breath. "It was a strange ability, yes... But no. I doubt it has any correlation."

"Really?" Eren shot down his idea at my response. "I see..."

"But for some reason," He unexpectedly added. "The name feels familair..."

I looked him directly in the eyes now.
What did he mean.

Hange rose from the table, pushing her glasses up. "Anywho, enough serious talk. Eren, come with me, we'll go get some food!"

Eren agreed standing up.

As they headed for the door, Hange kept talking. "Did you know Levi and Y/n L/n had a thing back then?" She snickered. Eren gasped. Their voices trailed off into the distance, the last thing I heard being a, "Really?! The Captain?!" From Eren.

I rolled my eyes.

Yet for some reason... I felt like what Eren had said was important... As if it truly did mean something.

I shook my head.

No, it was nothing.

Pluviophile, A Levi x Reader Story -


The End.

Pluviophile | Levi Ackermann × Reader |Where stories live. Discover now