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3rd Person Pov

Jungkook was driving back to his house after his late lunch meeting with his bud, Mingyu together with his wife, Tzuyu. And later Jimin tagged along with them.

And they were discussing about the the business that they are planning to build together.

But it's like a little reunion of their gang. Since
Mingyu is already married, their gang will be
impossible to complete at times like this unlike before.

But they all live in one subdivision so there is no point of missing each other. except for Jimin, he is working differently so he lived all around the globe but his main home is also inside the subdivision. He just barely go home. They talked about everything that they can chat about and it was one fun lunch.

But the place where they ate served the worst meal.

He didn't even touched the food so he is on his way
home and he will eat something in his fridge.

They just had a conversation about Jungkook's
upcoming birthday in a few weeks. They have been
asking how he will celebrate it but he only wanted
a simple celebration. He was thinking about maybe
going hiking with Lisa? He didn't know if she is the
adventurous type but it's better to ask before he
make it clear.

Or maybe take her out on a yacht to explore the

That is how he wanted to celebrate his birthday. Just
a day with Lisa or spend it with her only.

Damn, he can't believe how much Lisa has been
affecting him these past few weeks that they started going out. It's like they have already made it to a higher and better stage of their relationship. And he is more than willing to exceed more.

Although they should expect trials and people that will not favour their relationship. especially at the club where there is a rule in the contract that you are not allowed to have commitments. But Jungkook only made that rule because he doesn't want any conflict if he put someone for example a mother, he doesn't want that mother to work in her shop and then placed her in the prostitute job.

The person that has no commitments will work with
their best.

Jungkook arrived at the subdivision and parked his car in front of his mansion. He locked it before entering his sweet home.

No one even a maid is inside because he hates the
thought that he is letting a stranger enter his home.

And it is very hard to trust people these days.

Jungkook took out a packed vegetable salad from the restaurant and put some mayo it as he started eating it inside his kitchen. Suddenly, the wireless telephone started ringing loudly.

He placed his salad down and answered it. "Hello?"


"Mom?" He was surprised to receive a call from his

"My boy, so good to hear your voice again! What
have you been doing and you forgot to visit me and
your Dad." Her voice was a little shaky showing that
she already aged.

He sigh and leaned his lower back at the kitchen
counter. "I will visit you, don't worry."

"When? It was already months since you came here.
Your Dad is always looking for you. Your sisters just came here yesterday."

"Mom." He was trying not to offend her by his tone.

"I will come there, just wait. I have a huge business
taking care here in the city. I will be there before
you even know it."

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