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I was not a hundred percent comfortable going to
work that night. I am very worried about Lily and
leaving her won't give me a peace of mind. But I have to work tonight because it's just my second day.

I just told yuna to check on lily every hour and I
will call her from time to time.

I already had my uniform today and it's the
Thursday uniform. everyone was already there
getting ready to when I entered the staff room. They are all busy dressing up and applying some makeup.

But I already did mine at home so I'm all set.

Everyone was very nice and welcoming. I didn't have a hard time getting along with them because they are all accommodating. Everyone was just talking about some things so I just tried to ride with them as the conversation goes on. The club is already open so we have to go out there.

"Is everyone here? I have an announcement to tell
you before you go out there." Trisha came in the
staff room and examined.

"Is Maxine here?" She asked.

Everyone looked around to search for the girl but
someone raised her hand. "Maxine was rushed to the hospital earlier because of an allergy."

"Whose Maxine?" I asked Rose.

"She's the lounge singer." She replied back.

"Oh." I murmured.

"What a lame excuse." Trisha rolled her eyes, in
disbelief. "Two weeks ago, she was attacked by a bee. Then last week, she fell down the stairs and now she had an allergy? What's next?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "That girl makes the lamest excuses just to be with her drug addicted boyfriend."

Wow, Trisha really seems to know all of the staff
here. She is very strict to the rules and takes any
mistakes. She arranged her glasses and pushed it to
the bridge of her nose. "A very important guest will
be joining us tonight in the VIP area. Three of you
girls will be assisting them and that would be Angelica, Alexis and Rose. Tell Maxine to not come anymore. She's fired." She said directly without hesitation then wrote something on the folder she is holding then roamed her eyes around.

Seems like she is searching for someone.

"Hey Lisa, get ready and be prepare. You will
replace Maxine." She spoke so quickly.

"What? Me!?" I protested, causing everyone to stare
at me. "Why me?! I-I am-" I was cut off when Rose
covered my face.

"Don't worry, Trisha. She will take the it." Rose
answered for me while her hands are still cupping
my mouth.

What??? I can't sing! The last time I sang in public, I
was senior year. I sang Lily to sleep until now but
I don't sing in front of a crowd! especially tonight that we have a guest! I will only disappoint Jungkook.

"Did you forget the rules in this damn club? Rule
number 3: Prepare for unexpected task. If you
decline this one then it's the end for you." Rose
whispered to my ear, slowly letting her hands loose
and dropped them and dropped them.


I started worrying for myself. "What should I do? I
don't even know if I can sing."

One of the girls, Angelica tapped my shoulder. "Then
you should start praying." She told me and chuckled.

Oh crap.

"Change your clothes, Lisa. You're wearing the
waitress attire. Borrow some clothes from the
others and put a lot of makeup so you could look a
little older." Trisha instructed. "You will start at 11pm
after Minnie and Mina. Wait.. Where's Mina?"

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