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I never thought I would have to leave my home, especially not in the way I did, but here I was and as they say, you can't change the past right.

I handed my driver the last of my money as I was dropped off in this new town.

When I got into the city I had no idea what I was going to do, I didn't have any money for food or shelter. A few years ago finding food was easy, all I had to do was look down a city street and there was meat around every corner.

But now the thought of eating that kind of meat again makes my skin crawl whenever I think about it, so now I had no choice but to go to sleep with an empty stomach.

Or so I thought as I noticed villager walking up to me. It was a young girl, probably in her late teens to early twenties with blonde hair wrapped in fabric. She looked down at me with sympathy in her eyes (not that I deserved it).

"Hey are you okay? you don't look like you're from around here stranger?" The girl asked politely.

"No to both of those questions. I don't have any money to my name, so here I am" I say bluntly.

"Then let me help you, you can stay the night at my place" the girl says to me with a gentle smile on her face.

"No. You don't want someone like me around your house, trust me"

"I don't mind having company sir, I have plenty of room to spare. And I don't want to be rude, but it looks like you could use the help" she states looking at my bare feet lack of shirt and bags under my eyes.

And so after a bit of battling back and forth inside my head I reluctantly agreed. As extended out my hand she managed to pull me up to my feet as we walked to the place she called home.

As we finally made it to her little house, she almost immediately ran into one of the rooms and came back out with a set of clothes.

"Here put this on. This used to belong to my brother before he passed, he was about your size. It's no use to me sitting around here collecting dust" she said handing me a black coat with a white fur collar and a pair of boots to go with it.

"He died fighting off some of the bandits invading Ylisse. He was always a hero to me growing up, he was strong, tough, and fought for whatever he thought was right. You kind of remind me of him"

"Then I would say you don't know me to well, but thanks" I say to her trying my best to muster up a smile.

"You've done so much for me, and I haven't even asked you you're name" I say embarrassingly.

"It's Cassandra, and yours?" She asks.

"Fenris" I respond to Cassandra before sticking out my hand to which she promptly shakes it.

"Well Fenris, it is nice to meet you. The spare bedroom is down the hall on your left, you are more then welcome to stay here until you get back on your feet"

"And with that I made my way over to the bedroom Cassandra had mentioned. The bed was so soft and comfy, it was a complete change from what I was used to. Needless to say, with a combination of lack of sleep beforehand, and the feel of the bed I fell asleep quickly.

Once I woke up I felt relaxed. a sence of calm washed over me as I yawned before getting up for the day. As I walked through the halls I noticed that Cassandra wasn't here? I checked the kitchen and living room to see if she was there, but I couldn't find her.

Next I checked the door to her bedroom thinking that she was just asleep, but the door was completely open and Cassandra wasn't in the room. No matter where I looked I couldn't find her?