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Our way to meet the Kahn of Regina Ferox was filled with a lot more violence then I had hoped. But it was what I had expected.

But now that was over, and we could finally put this job to bed. Raimi lead us to the home of the Kahn we had secured a meeting with.

"Prince Chrom. Please wait here while I summon the Kahn" Raimi explained to us before walking off with her large metal boots making load thuds as she walked.

"The Kahn is away?" Robin wondered in thought.

"Out training, I'd wager. The Kahns of Ferox prefer battle over politics. Or rather their battle IS their politics" Chrom informed us as we waited.

"Huh. Sounds like my kind of people" apparently Ferox and Norsarom had more in common then I thought.

"A warrior ruler eh? I can picture him now. A giant of a man, unparalleled in thew. His broad shoulders covered in hair. Heheh..."

"Am I now. Please, do go on!" The Kahn appeared behind us. Proving Robin's theory wrong, as the Kahn was very much a woman.

"You're the--?! Er. That is to say the Kahn I presume?" Chrom stuttered a bit surprised to see that she was female.

"One of them, yes. I am the east Kahn. My name is Flavia. I apologize for the troubles at the border. Prince Chrom. You are welcome in Regina Ferox"

"Thank you, but I'm confident we can put that misunderstanding behind us. Is it true bandits are posing as Ylisseans have been ransacking your border villages?" Chrom inquired information on the situation.

"Yes. Those Plegian dogs! We found documents proving as much on the corpse of one of their captains. Plegia must see some benefit in raising tensions between your kingdom and ours"

"Damn them all!" Chrom shouted, uncharacteristically for him as we all looked at him surprised by his outburst.

"I... forgive me, your grace. That was... indelicatly put" Chrom apologized while looking down at the blue carpet below our feet.

"Ha! Damn them and damn delicacy! Here in Ferox, we appreciate plain speech" Flavia said with a laugh.

"Well in that case, can you get your guards at the border to be a little less thick headed. Instead of just trying to strike anything they see" I muttered to Flavia as she looked on at me perplexed. But not about I said. But because of the symbol on my neck.

"Huh. I am surprised Prince Chrom. I wouldn't have believed you would be able to recruit a Berserker if I didn't see it with my own eyes"

"What did you just call me!?" I asked the Kahn of the east, a bit more threateningly then Chrom or the others would have liked.

"Fenris, calm down! What even is a Berserker anyway?" Chrom questioned as I looked at him with sorrow filled eyes knowing I would have to tell him and the others eventually.

"Oh. So he hasn't told you?" Flavia asked as everyone's eyes began to fall on me. Some with concern, like Lissa or Sumia. And some with distrust, like Frederick.

"May I speak with your friend here? There is some things I would like to discuss with him. Privately" Flavia asked motioning me towards a private room.

"If she tries anything. Shout, and we'll come running" Chrom whispers into my ear.

"She's not going to try anything, she knows who I am" I said to Chrom trying to reassure him.

"And who exactly are you? You clearly haven't given us the full story. All we know about you is that come from a harsh land that is no more, we don't know who you are" Frederick told me more suspicious then he was before.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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