2 |No soft Spots

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There are many spelling mistakes like last chapter but will be fixed when I finish the story. 4.5k words. Enjoy

I wake up early the next morning and see Enid is still sleeping. I fight off a smile. I start to get ready by taking out my braids from the day before then Enid wakes up. She gasps

"OMG your hair is so pretty!" She squeals. I look up feeling heat rise to my cheeks. I then quickly start to braid my hair. Enid walks to my bed and sits next to me. " Can I braid your hair?" She asks


"But why not?!"

"Because I don't like to be touched"

"Last night would say different" She says crossing her arms

I say the first thing that comes to mind. " I was not having the best time."

"But please Wednesday," She says, scooting closer. I scoot away to the edge of my bed. She scoots till she is right next to me. And stares straight into my eyes. I finish the first braid. " Please," She says, making puppy dog eyes.

"Acting sad won't get you anything" I say standing up starting on the second braid.

"Fine, I'll get to do it someday anyways" She says getting up walking to her side getting ready. I wonder what she meant by that. I don't even have what people call a soft spot for her. I never get soft spots for anybody. Not even my family.

I finish getting ready and walk into the hall finding the sheriff who said he didn't find anything in the woods.

"How could you miss a dead body" I say

"Because there was nothing there. No footprints, blood, or even any sign of strangle. Nothing. The search party was up all night." The sheriff says

"Well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home. I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of me" I respond

"Well did you even get a good look at this so-called monster?"

"Didn't exactly stop for a chat"

"Maybe it was one of your classmates" He says calmly

Professor Weems who was walking behind us responds " That is quite an offensive sheriff".

"Dont care, there are three other dead bodies in the morgue" He says. I look at him wanting to walk away. " people were ripped apart in the woods"

"Mayor said those were bear attacks' She responds

"Well he lied". After he says that I walk away. And minutes later to my surprise I see Rown walk past me smiling. This just took a turn. A weird one in fact.


I walk down the land and up to Enid who is supposedly making her teammates make a cat I think look scarier. " If Bianca Wins this year again I will scratch my eyes out." She says

I come up behind her " I would pay money to see that" She whips around and skips to me. I step back

"Howdy roomie," She says, smiling a little too hard. " I'm glad you decided not to run away after last night" I feel my face warm

" I thought you wanted to be alone again anyways,"

"Well, I don't like being alone, and Thing gives an amazing neck massage, it's a win. Anyways why the change"

"I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game"

"You mean Rowen?" She asks looking me up and down

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