4 |You what?

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I immediately get up and open the door. It is jax. "What?" I ask

    "Is Enid in here?" He asks

    "Why is that your concern? You broke her heart which means it's my turn to break yours" I say stepping closer

    "Well tell her I apologize, I was hanging out with some people. Also your hair looks nice." He says

    "Leave" I say, slamming the door in his face and then sitting next to Enid. " What did you need to tell me?" I ask her

    "Oh never mind" She says getting up

    "Enid ''I say as I grab her wrist. I remember that I have something to do. Will you braid my hair?"

    "Weds I know you're lying" She says. I glare at her

    "You might as well do it before I change my mind" She squeals and runs over to me. I sigh. I sit on the floor and she sits behind me and starts braiding my hair. Her hands feel so good in my hair. Thye send warm feelings throughout my whole body.

    "Weds? Weds? Wednesday?"


    "You fell asleep, don't you have something that you need to do?" She aks

    "Yes, goodbye" I say, getting up and walking out. Thing follows close behind. He's my helper to get into the morgue. Do I like her? Wait there is no way.


    Thing opened the door for me after covering the camera with my signature black bubblegum. He closes it right after. "While I do the autopsy, you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies." I say and Thing pouts

    "Don't pout. Your scalpel skills are questionable" I say opening my kit. " Do you remember my 13th birthday, when UNcle Fester gave me that cadaver? You sliced right through that man's carotid." I say and THing rushes away to get the work done. I look through a few dead bodies before I find the right one. "Gatchu '' I say. They all smell quite nice for dead guys though.
    Right before I start to cut the guy open, Thing rushes in. "What? Slow down. Who's coming? OKay hide!" I say. I put everything up and the first place that I can hide in is an empty freezer. So that is exactly what I do.

    After the two men speak one of them comes and opens the freezer I am in. "I don't remember this one coming in." He says. "Full rigor. You've been dead for a while. Guess you don't mind waiting another day for me to cut you open." He then pushes me all the way in and leaves. I then hear Thing come and open it back up.

    "Five more minutes, I was just getting comfortable." I say. THing closes it back and I enjoy the crisp feeling of the cold


    It's later the next day, and I have just finished putting up my board of body parts. These will help me find out more information.

    "When I suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I didn't have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind" Enid says coming up behind me.

    "Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection." I respond.

    "Is this why you left last night?"

    "Thing and I might have made an unsanctioned trip to the county morgue to copy files of the monster's victims."

    "Okay, there are so many levels of ew in that statement, I don't even know where to start."

The things you do to me / Wenclair storyWhere stories live. Discover now