Duskwood Friendsgiving - Part One

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DW Discord - NOVEMBER PROMPT #friendsgivingNOV22

(background: in the US we celebrate Thanksgiving at the end of November. It has morphed into a day to hang out with family, eat a lot of food, maybe watch American football, NAP, and just be grateful for those in our life. Alongside this has developed Friends-giving. Basically, the same idea and a chance to gather with your close friends instead of family.)

The group has gathered to celebrate Friendsgiving. Everyone is having a great time, until......

The autumn wind blew chilly over the small town of Duskwood. The leaves long since colored and dropped to the ground, crunched brown underfoot. A woman bundled in a jacket and knit scarf hurried down the lane carrying two full bags of groceries. She stopped in front of the old blue car, carefully balancing her load, and unlocked the backseat. After the bags were stowed, she unlocked the driver's door and got in. As soon as the engine turned over, she adjusted the heater, hoping the vehicle would warm up quickly and thaw her cold hands.

This was MC's first autumn in Duskwood and excitement flowed through her at the thought of the gathering she was preparing. Growing up in America, she remembered the years of gathering with family and friends at the end of November for a celebration of gratitude for all their blessings. Now as an adult, many of her older relatives had passed on and she had moved far from her hometown. Instead of the traditional Thanksgiving celebrations, she was excited to start new traditions with her friends. They all loved the idea of gathering together to eat, relax, and just be grateful for their friendship. That was how it came about that MC was driving home, with a backseat of groceries to celebrate her first Friendsgiving.

Drying her wet hands on a towel, MC checked her list one last time. Everything was coming together. The side dishes just need to go in the oven once the turkey was cooking. Why she agreed to let Dan and Richy handle the bird she wasn't sure, but seriously, what could go wrong? The doorbell rang announcing Cleo's arrival. She had been so excited about the idea of making the many flavors of pie traditional to the celebration. Save for one. MC insisted that she be allowed to bake the apple pie using her grandmother's recipe. Cleo entered with her arms full of desserts only to be followed by Hannah and Thomas also loaded down with containers.

"Cleo! You baked enough to feed all of Duskwood!" MC exclaimed looking at all the desserts.

"Well, I had to do Thanksgiving justice. I made all the traditional pies – pumpkin, cherry, blueberry, pecan, lemon meringue, and chocolate silk. Oh, and mincemeat. Did you know there isn't actually meat in there?" the home baker questioned.

"As long as you didn't make Apple pie. Mine is cooling in the kitchen." MC laughed.

"Nope! I left that to you. I can't wait to taste it and I hope you will share your grandmother's recipe with me. I love recipes that have been handed down. It is like a bite of history." Cleo had a big smile on her face.

The doorbell rang again, pulling MC from their conversation.

"Just set the pies up on the server against the wall," she instructed.

Opening the door, MC was greeted but Dan and Richy both with huge grins on their faces.

"Oh, boy. Don't make me regret letting you cook the turkey," she eyed them up. "You take that fryer and set up on the back stone patio. Away from the house! Got it?"

"Yes ma'am!" Dan replied, leading Richy around the back of the house with all the supplies.

MC was about to close the door when she saw her best friend pull into the drive. Running out in her bare feet, she skipped down the steps and embraced Jessy in a big hug as the red-haired woman exited the car. Phil unfolded himself out of the front seat, circling around to where the women were standing.

"Can I get in on this hug too?" he stated with a grin.

MC laughed, "Of course, Phil. Get over here." She opened her arm to include him in a group hug with his sister.

"I am so glad you both could make it! Jess, can you help me in the kitchen? And Phil, the guys are setting up a deep fryer in the backyard. I suggest grabbing a beer and heading out there. Maybe just don't stand too close, eh?" she laughed pulling her friends into the house.

Jessy and MC just made it to the kitchen when the sound of a motorcycle could be heard coming down the street.

Lilly called out from the other room, "Jake's here!" as the engine died down in front of the house.

"Hey, Jake!" MC pulled him in for a hug before taking his helmet and backpack. "The guys are all outside. Grab a beer and go relax."

"Forcing me to socialize already, MC?"

"You know it! That is my role in life," she joked with a grin. "Helping you guys communicate."

"Yes. Yes," he sighed. "And when are you going to get that SLP certificate?"

MC just shrugged, "Maybe someday. For now, I prefer helping closer to home."

Phil and Jake hung back, sipping on their beers, and watching the other guys as they prepared the large deep fryer and poultry.

"Want to make a bet on which one ends the day without eyebrows?" Phil raised his own brow quizzically.

"Are you kidding?" Jake sounded shocked, shaking his head with a chuckle. "The odds are high that both of these dumbasses will. That would be a foolish bet to take."

At that very moment, there was a large fireball and a number of choice curse words were heard from the patio.

MC came running out of the house, "What the fuck, Dan?" She looked over at Jake and Phil who had big smirks on their faces, "Well, don't just stand there, call the emergency fire number." She turned back towards the house calling for Jessy and Lilly to come help with the two backyard chefs.

The Duskwood volunteer fire brigade began to arrive shortly thereafter, ensuring the fire was contained and put out before examining Dan and Richy. An unmarked police car pulled up and the dark-haired police chief exited. His face showed the scruff of not having shaved that day. He was dressed in sneakers, jeans, and a navy-blue hoodie. Clearly, he had been enjoying a day off and the scowl on his face made it clear he was perturbed at being called in. His mood did not improve when he eyed the group before him.

"Phil Hawkins. You want to tell me what is going on here?" Alan's eyes narrowed in on the man he knew too well.

"Shit, Alan. I had nothing to do with this one," Phil held his hands up palms out in front of him. "Stupid and his idiot sidekick over there," he pointed at Dan and Richy, "Got the bright idea to fry a turkey."

Alan looked over at the two men sitting near the volunteer crew and then surveyed the women standing back near the house.

"I should have known it would be this group. Can't stay out of trouble? Do you all share one brain cell between you?" Alan said to no one in particular, before walking over to check out the scene while muttering to himself, "I don't get paid enough for this shit."

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