Duskwood for the Holidays - Part Two

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DW Discord - DECEMBER PROMPT #snowedinDEC2022

Everyone in the group is over for Christmas/Holiday when you all get snowed in. Everything is going great until...

They were snowed in. The snow had continued to fall, and no one was going to be leaving any time soon. Thankfully, that had been the plan all along, so while the flakes flew outside, the group of friends celebrated inside. As the evening wore on, they began to head off to the bedrooms for sleep. In the end, it was just MC, Jake, and Phil sitting in the living room, with Dan asleep and snoring in the large armchair.

"I can't keep my eyes open, guys. I am off to bed," MC finally stated with a big yawn.

Snuggled down in the warm covers, she could hear Jessy's rhythmic breathing on the other side of the bed next to her, as the friends were sharing for the night. Sleep came fast overtaking MC's body as she relaxed into the land of dreams.

What was that sound? MC held her breath straining to hear the mystery sound that woke her from her slumber. There it is again. What is that?

She stood up, grabbed a warm hoodie from her closet, and made her way out of her bedroom into the hallway. Carefully closing the door quietly so as to not wake up Jessy.

Now that her bedroom door was not between her and the noise, she could hear it better.

It is laughter. Well, at least giggling. But everyone is asleep.

MC continue to creep quietly down the hallway towards the window that overlooked the backyard. The outdoor light was on and illuminated the ground below. She could see that the snow had finally stopped falling, but that wasn't all that she could see.

There laying in the snow, waving their arms and legs up and down, were the two guys she had left up when she went to bed. Jake and Phil were clearly visible against the white and were making snow angels.

What in the world are they thinking? They aren't even dressed to be out there.

She pushed up the window and a cold blast of air from outside hit her.

"Hey! What are you numbnuts doing?" She called out. "And I mean that literally!"

"Hiiiii, MC!" Phil called out waving up at her.

"Oh, hey up there, MC," Jake joined in.

"Answer the question!" she called back down.

"One minute!" Phil yelled before turning to Jake.

MC couldn't hear what they were saying, but judging by the smirks and occasional chuckles, it wasn't good.

The snowball was well-aimed. It splatted against the window screen. The force pushed the cold snow through the tiny holes in the mesh. It surprised MC how much made it through and onto her arms and face before she could retreat into the hallway.

She closed the window before going down the stairs to look for her boots. It was time to get to the bottom of this.

The sliding door slid along its track, opening out onto the backyard. MC was glad she had her boots on as she took the first step into the snow. It was much higher than it looked, but she was still able to stomp out to the two men currently hitting each other with snowballs and giggling.

Wait. They ARE giggling. That can only mean one thing...

"You are kidding me?" MC spoke crossly. "You're both high again! What is with you two and toking up when you are at my house?"

"Don't you like when we are friends, MC?" Phil stopped rubbing snow in Jake's hair and placed his arm around his shoulders.

"Ya, we are just bonding through recreational activities," Jake added slinging his arm around the man next to him.

"And now. You are both out in the snow. In the middle of the night?" MC began. "Wait, no, make that the middle of the morning? It is only around 3 or 4. Did you guys sleep at all?"

"Nah, who needs sleep?" the bartender quipped. "I'm a night owl from working at the bar."

"And I don't sleep anyways," the hacker replied honestly. "If I get a good thirty minutes later, I will be fine."

"Oh, dear Lord," MC sighed out exasperated. "What am I going to do with you two?"

"Stop being the responsible one, MC," Jake suggested.

"Ya, come join the fun!" Phil said as his smirk appeared.

"No way! All I threw on over my pajamas is a hoodie and my boots. I am not coming out in the snow with you nuts!" MC began to slowly step backward.

However, by the time she had made up her mind that running was the best course of action, the two men were always upon her. Scooping her up, Phil took her arms while Jake grabbed her legs.

"No, you don't!" she cried out. "Don't you dare throw me in the snow!"

"How does the rhyme go? One for the money?" Phil asked Jake.

"Yes! Two for the show," Jake added as they started to swing MC slowly back and further between them. "Three to get ready? I think."

"Ya, that is right. And then four to let go!" Phil yelled out as they both let her go on an upswing.

She flew, through the air briefly, before landing deep in a snowbank. After righting herself, MC raised her head and called after the two figures running quickly towards the house, "Jake! Phil! Get back here!"

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