New Year's Eve at Aurora

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It was New Year's Eve and the whole gang was going out to the Aurora. Phil had a live band playing that had drawn quite the crowd from the city.  He even hired Dan to be his bouncer for the night. It turned out to be much needed as the line wrapped around the corner, an unusual sight in the little town of Duskwood.

MC was so excited for a night out with her friends. The girls had all gotten gussied up in beautiful dresses for the evening. MC's was sparkly gold with a skirt that fell perfectly at her knees and was just full enough that it made twirling around so enjoyable. She couldn't wait to show it off while dancing.

Jessy, meanwhile, had a beautiful dark green dress that perfectly complimented her red hair and Lily had the perfect little black dress she hoped would catch a certain someone's eye that evening. The three ladies rode together to the bar.

They knew that they were on the VIP list for this evening and walked straight up to Dan when they arrived, skipping the long line and wait.  Dan smiled at them and gave MC a big hug before allowing them to enter the bar.  Once inside, the group headed straight to their usual table near the back. It was just far enough from the band and the dance floor that they could carry on a conversation without yelling.

Thomas, Hannah, and Cleo had already arrived. Thomas was looking dapper in his dress shirt and pants accident with suspenders in a bow tie. Hannah's dress perfectly complimented her boyfriend's outfit with matching navy blue and silver details. Cleo went for a retro look with the perfect 50's swing dress in a lovely light blue color.

It wasn't long before Phil came over dressed in his typical bartending outfit; a white long sleeve dress shirt with cuffs rolled up to his elbows and the collar roguishly open showing off his tattoo. Tonight he was showing off a little more, in every sense of the word, as he wore his black leather pants with black biker boots. In fact, he had lots of admirers among the crowd, both women and men.

Jake arrived fashionably late, as always.  He was always sneaking in unobserved, only to appear in front of his friends in silence. Tonight he was in a black dress shirt and slacks with a fitted black vest over top.  He didn't wear a tie and the collar of his shirt was slightly open.

The whole group had a wonderful evening together drinking, dancing, and enjoying each other's company.  It was the perfect way to celebrate the changing of the calendar and usher in a new year.

As midnight approached, everyone began to move towards the dance floor, gathering in groups.  Glasses of champagne were handed out in preparation for the countdown.

"So who are you giving the first kiss of the new year too?" Jessy wiggled her eyebrows at MC.

"Oh, stop it," she giggled, gently slapping her friend on the shoulder with the back of her hand. "No one, Jessy."

"Just cause you're not dating anyone doesn't mean you can have a New Year's kiss," Jessy continued. "Besides, I think I know a few guys who would love to help you with that."

MC followed Jessy's line of sight to the two gentlemen walking towards their group.  One who's dark hair was long and pulled up and the other who's dark locks were cut shorter but still long enough to style in a tousled bedhead look.  One in a starch white shirt, sleeves cuffed at his elbows, and the other dressed in black, the line of his vest showing off his slim figure.

Reaching the group of friends, they both took up a spot next to MC as all eyes were on the large digital countdown clock above the band.




MC looked over to her left.  Phil gave her a big smile and a wink.




MC looked over to her right.  Jake gave a small smirk and raised his glass in toast.



The distance between MC and the men on either side of her seemed to be disappearing.


She began to feel their bodies inches from hers.


As the crowd erupted in cheers, both Phil and Jake leaned in to place a kiss on MC's cheeks, but in that moment, she stepped forward, tapping Dan on the shoulder and placing a light kiss on his cheek. 

"Happy New Year, Dan!" she said.

He wrapped his large arms around her in a hug. "Happy New Year, MC," he whispered before breaking into a big belly chuckle.

"What?" MC pulled back, looking behind her where his gaze was fixed.  She couldn’t help joining him in laughter.

There stood Phil and Jake, eyes closed, lips to lips.  Hearing the laughter, both their eyes popped open.

"Phil!" Jake exclaimed, pushing the other man back.

"Dude, what the hell?" Phil said at the same moment, holding up his hands and stepping backwards.

"Jessy, please tell me you got a photo of that," MC whispered to the red-head beside her.

"I sure did," she quietly spoke, showing her friend the image on her phone.

"There is nothing like starting the New Year with a good laugh!" MC replied before walking towards Jake and Phil. "Come on lover boys, let's go get another drink!"  With that she linked arms with both men, gave them each a kiss on their cheek, and walked them off towards the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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